

我想知道是否可以自动排序附录(就像使用 bibtex 排序参考文献一样),这样如果文本中的参考文献发生变化,我就不必一直更改它。例如:




Hi, this is a document to ask a question about appendix references and auto updating them.

For example, first I referred to appendix "\,Example 1"\, here, by using \ref{appendix:1} 
and after that, I used the reference for appendix \ref{appendix:2}.


\section{Example 1}

\section{Example 2}



这是我当前的代码,但是我希望能够引用附录而不需要更改它,就像我使用 Bibtex 作为参考一样。因此,当我将其更改为:




Hi, this is a document to ask a question about appendix references and auto updating them.

Now I refer to to appendix "\,Example 2"\, first, by using \ref{appendix:2} 
and after that, I used the reference for appendix \ref{appendix:1}.


\section{Example 1}

\section{Example 2}



但是,这不会自动将附录 B 更新为附录 A,反之亦然。有人知道我可以使用的方法吗,也许是类似于 Bibtex 的方法,但适用于附录?我希望问题清楚,如果我忘记了什么,请随时询问。


此解决方案使用 endfloat 将示例从正文移至附录。优点是它将文本保存到另一个文件 (.eee),而不是占用 RAM。主要缺点是示例只能占一页。


\newenvironment{example}[1]% #1 = label
  \section{Example \arabic{section}}\label{#1}}

\DeclareDelayedFloat{example}[eee]{List of Examples}


Hi, this is a document to ask a question about appendix references and auto updating them.

For example, first I referred to appendix "\,Example 1"\, here, by using \ref{appendix:1} 
  First example
and after that, I used the reference for appendix \ref{appendix:2}.
  Second example



此解决方案将示例保存为宏。它的优点是比 endfloat 更具适应性。它的主要缺点是必须立即扩展内容。


\NewEnviron{example}[1]% #1 = label
  \expandafter\xdef\csname examplelabel.\arabic{example}\endcsname{#1}%
  \expandafter\xdef\csname example.\arabic{example}\endcsname{\BODY}%

  \loop\ifnum\count1 < \value{example}\relax
    \advance\count1 by 1
    \section{Example \number\count1}%
    \label{\csname examplelabel.\number\count1\endcsname}%
    \csname example.\number\count1\endcsname


Hi, this is a document to ask a question about appendix references and auto updating them.

For example, first I referred to appendix "\,Example 1"\, here, by using \ref{appendix:1} 
  First example
and after that, I used the reference for appendix \ref{appendix:2}.
  Second example


