

这个问题源于两个问题-这里第一个问题由@Gonzalo 解决此处的后续问题由@touhami 解决\printanswers。现在,当我使用命令时,我得到了与后续问题相同的错误使用 tikzpicture 环境

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\endmulticols ->\par \if@boxedmulticols \egroup 
                                                \balance@columns \return@non...
l.24             \end{multicols}


我的 MWE之前已经工作过命令\printanswers如下:

% !TeX TS-program=pdfLaTeX


\usetikzlibrary{arrows, circuits.ee.IEC,positioning, decorations.markings}
\usepackage[american voltages, american currents, siunitx]{circuitikz}


    \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi

Consider the graph shown in the Fig.~\ref{fig:Q1}, which of the following is NOT \textit{a tree} of this graph?
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
                    \draw (C) to (B);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0); 
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0); 
                    \draw (A) to (C);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0); 
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0); 
                    \draw (A) to (B);
                    \draw (C) to (B);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
                    \draw (D) to (C);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
    \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
        \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
        \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
        \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
        \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
        \draw (A) to (B);
        \draw (C) to (B);
        \draw (D) to (C);
        \draw (A) to (D);
        \draw (A) to (C);
        \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) to [bend right=55] (B);
        \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) to [bend right=40] (A);
        \fill (B) circle(2pt);
        \fill (D) circle(2pt);
        \fill (A) circle(2pt);
        \fill (C) circle(2pt);
    \end{tikzpicture}} %EoS

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (O) at (1.0,1.0);
    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,1.0);
    \coordinate [label=below:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (1.0,2.0);
    \coordinate [label=below:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (2.0,1.0);  
    \coordinate [label=above:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (1.0,0.0);  
    \draw ($(D)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{}  to [R, l=5<\ohm>] ($(O)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} 
        to ($(O)+(0.2,0.0)$) to [V, l_=2<\volt>] (A) node[circ]{} 
        to [R, l=3<\ohm>, label/align=straight] (B) 
        to [R, l=4<\ohm>, label/align=straight] ($(C)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{}  
        to [R, l=2<\ohm>, label/align=straight] ($(D)+(0.0,0.0)$) 
        to [I, l=2<\ampere>, label/align=straight]($(A)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} ;
    \draw ($(B)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} to ($(B)+(0.0,-0.2)$) to [cI, l=$i_x$] ($(O)+(0.0,0.0)$) 
        to [I, l=1<\ampere>] ($(C)+(-0.2,0.0)$) to ($(C)+(0.0,0.0)$);
    \draw[-stealth] ($(O)+(-0.06,-0.06)$) to node[left]{$i_x$} ($(O)+(-0.06,-0.3)$);
    \end{tikzpicture}} %EoS

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla




\if@correctchoice  \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi




\usetikzlibrary{arrows, circuits.ee.IEC,positioning, decorations.markings}
\usepackage[american voltages, american currents, siunitx]{circuitikz}


    \if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi

Consider the graph shown in the Fig.~\ref{fig:Q1}, which of the following is NOT \textit{a tree} of this graph?
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
                    \draw (C) to (B);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0); 
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0); 
                    \draw (A) to (C);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0); 
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0); 
                    \draw (A) to (B);
                    \draw (C) to (B);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
                \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
                    \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
                    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
                    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8); 
                    \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
                    \draw (D) to (C);
                    \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) 
                        to [bend right=55] (B);
                    \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) 
                        to [bend right=40] (A);
                    \fill (B) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (D) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (A) circle(2pt);
                    \fill (C) circle(2pt);
                } %EOS
            }% adjustbox
    \begin{tikzpicture}[anchor=center, x=4cm, y=4cm] 
        \coordinate [label=below left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,0.0);
        \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (0.0,0.8);
        \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (0.8,0.8);
        \coordinate [label=below right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (0.8,0.0);
        \draw (A) to (B);
        \draw (C) to (B);
        \draw (D) to (C);
        \draw (A) to (D);
        \draw (A) to (C);
        \draw (D) to [bend right=55] (1.1,0.9) to (1.1,0.9) to [bend right=55] (B);
        \draw (B) to [bend right=40] (-0.4,0.45) to (-0.4,0.35) to [bend right=40] (A);
        \fill (B) circle(2pt);
        \fill (D) circle(2pt);
        \fill (A) circle(2pt);
        \fill (C) circle(2pt);
    \end{tikzpicture}} %EoS

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
    \coordinate [label=above left:\textcolor{blue}{}] (O) at (1.0,1.0);
    \coordinate [label=above right:\textcolor{blue}{}] (A) at (0.0,1.0);
    \coordinate [label=below:\textcolor{blue}{}] (B) at (1.0,2.0);
    \coordinate [label=below:\textcolor{blue}{}] (C) at (2.0,1.0);  
    \coordinate [label=above:\textcolor{blue}{}] (D) at (1.0,0.0);  
    \draw ($(D)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{}  to [R, l=5<\ohm>] ($(O)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} 
        to ($(O)+(0.2,0.0)$) to [V, l_=2<\volt>] (A) node[circ]{} 
        to [R, l=3<\ohm>, label/align=straight] (B) 
        to [R, l=4<\ohm>, label/align=straight] ($(C)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{}  
        to [R, l=2<\ohm>, label/align=straight] ($(D)+(0.0,0.0)$) 
        to [I, l=2<\ampere>, label/align=straight]($(A)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} ;
    \draw ($(B)+(0.0,0.0)$) node[circ]{} to ($(B)+(0.0,-0.2)$) to [cI, l=$i_x$] ($(O)+(0.0,0.0)$) 
        to [I, l=1<\ampere>] ($(C)+(-0.2,0.0)$) to ($(C)+(0.0,0.0)$);
    \draw[-stealth] ($(O)+(-0.06,-0.06)$) to node[left]{$i_x$} ($(O)+(-0.06,-0.3)$);
    \end{tikzpicture}} %EoS

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla

    Consider the network graph shown in the figure, which of the following is NOT a \textit{tree} of this graph?
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla
                bla bla
