


There is extensive study by many 


  author  = {Gurnett, D. A. and Frank, L. A.},
  journal = {J. Geophys. Res- Space},
  year    = {1978},
  doi     = {10.1029/JA083iA01p00058},
  author  = {Hellberg,M. A. and Mace, R. L.},
  journal = {Phys. Plasmas},
  year    = {2002},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.1462636},
  author  = {Lee, L. C. and Kan, J. R.},
  journal = {Phys. Fluids},
  year    = {1981},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.863389},
  author  = {Lin, N. and Kellogg, P.J. and MacDowall, R.J. and Gary, S.P.},
  journal = {Space Sci. Rev.},
  year    = {2001},
  doi     = {10.1023/A:1011823505395},
  author  = {Sultana, S. and Kourakis, I. and Saini, N. S. and Hellberg, M. A.},
  journal = {Phys. Plasmas},
  year    = {2010},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.3322895},
  author  = {Scarf, F. L. And Gurnett, D. A. And Kurth, W. S.},
  journal = {Science},
  year    = {1979},
  doi     = {10.1126/science.204.4396.991},

我使用的是 apalike 书目样式,它按字母顺序对书目进行排序。但在文本中,我希望按时间顺序排列。这就是我将其编写为 \citep{Gurnett1978,Scarf1979,Lee1981,Lin2001,Hellberg2002,Sultana2010} 的动机,但正如您所见,最终结果是 [Gurnett and Frank, 1978; Hellberg and Mace, 2002; Lee and Kan, 1981; Lin et al., 2001; Scarf et al., 1979; Sultana et al., 2010],按字母顺序排列。 快照




要关闭排序,请不要包含选项sort&compressnatbib(顺便说一下,对于作者年份引用,sort&compress其作用与 `sort 相同。)


  author  = {Gurnett, D. A. and Frank, L. A.},
  journal = {J. Geophys. Res- Space},
  year    = {1978},
  doi     = {10.1029/JA083iA01p00058},
  author  = {Hellberg,M. A. and Mace, R. L.},
  journal = {Phys. Plasmas},
  year    = {2002},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.1462636},
  author  = {Lee, L. C. and Kan, J. R.},
  journal = {Phys. Fluids},
  year    = {1981},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.863389},
  author  = {Lin, N. and Kellogg, P.J. and MacDowall, R.J. and Gary, S.P.},
  journal = {Space Sci. Rev.},
  year    = {2001},
  doi     = {10.1023/A:1011823505395},
  author  = {Sultana, S. and Kourakis, I. and Saini, N. S. and Hellberg, M. A.},
  journal = {Phys. Plasmas},
  year    = {2010},
  doi     = {10.1063/1.3322895},
  author  = {Scarf, F. L. And Gurnett, D. A. And Kurth, W. S.},
  journal = {Science},
  year    = {1979},
  doi     = {10.1126/science.204.4396.991},
There is extensive study by many 

