@collection @incollection 没有“et al.”

@collection @incollection 没有“et al.”

我最近停止使用 @inbook 来让它做 @incollection 应该做的事情。但是,现在我遇到的问题是它不会显示每个编辑器——由于此时我的参考书目序言相当大,我不确定我是否可以自己更改它,并解决与“et al.”有关的其他问题。到目前为止,我的尝试都失败了……所以这是 MWE:






        not test {\iffieldundef{labeldatesource}}
        (test {\iffieldequalstr{labeldatesource}{}} 
        or test {\iffieldequalstr{labeldatesource}{year}})}}





    %\setunit*{\adddot}%<- comment this

Title                    = {Zum Stand der Ko\-di\-fi\-zie\-rung ro\-ma\-ni\-scher Klein\-spra\-chen. Ro\-ma\-nis\-ti\-sches Kol\-lo\-qui\-um\,V \textup{(Tü\-bin\-ger Bei\-trä\-ge zur Lin\-gu\-is\-tik\,348)}},
Editor                   = {Wolf\-gang Dah\-men and Ot\-to Gsell and Gün\-ter Hol\-tus and Jo\-han\-nes Kra\-mer and Mi\-cha\-el Met\-zel\-tin and Ot\-to Win\-kel\-mann},
Keywords                 = {sek},
Location                 = {Tü\-bin\-gen},
Publisher                = {Gun\-ter Narr},
Year                     = {1991}

Title                    = {`A Gra\-phic Sys\-tem which Leads its own Lin\-gu\-is\-tic Life?' Epis\-to\-la\-ry Spel\-ling in En\-glish, 1400--1800},
Author                   = {Kai\-sla\-nie\-mi, Sa\-mu\-li and Evans, Mel and Ju\-vo\-nen, Teo and Sai\-rio, An\-ni},
Booktitle                = {Säi\-ly/Nur\-mi/Pa\-lan\-der-Col\-lin/Au\-er, (eds.) (2017)},
Keywords                 = {sek},
Pages                    = {187--213},
Year                     = {2017}

Example sentence \textcite[cf.][3--6]{kaislaniemi2017a}.
Another example sentence \parencite[][39]{dahmen1991a}.




Dahmen, Wolfgang / Gsell, Otto / Holtus, Günter / Kramer, Johannes / Metzeltin, Michael / Winkelmann, Otto, (eds.) (1991):关于罗马小语言发音标准的立场。 Romanistisches Kolloquium V(图宾根语言学论文 348)。图宾根:Gunter Narr。

Kaislaniemi, Samuli / Evans, Mel / Juvonen, Teo / Sairio, Anni (2017):“‘一种引领其自身语言生命的图形系统?’1400-1800 年英语中的书信体拼写”。收录于:Säily / Nurmi / Palander-Collin / Auer,(编辑)(2017):187-213。

其中包含草书版的“Zum Stand der Kodifizierung romanischer Kleinsprachen. Romanistisches Kolloquium V”和“Säily/Nurmi/Palander-Collin/Auer, (eds.) (2017)”。








这将允许在符号后换行/。正如@moewe 在评论中指出的那样,第二个选项更可取,因为它允许对名称分隔符进行上下文相关的更改。

如果您需要微调连字模式,请使用\hyphenation序言中的命令;不要用\-随意的连字点弄乱书目条目。在下面的例子中,我曾经\hyphenation{klein-spra-chen tü-bin-gen}确保 LaTeX 会对两个单词执行正确的连字操作。


最后但同样重要的是,你应该(更多地)齐心协力,在 bib 条目中提供正确且可用的信息。当然,这是将设置有问题的两个条目:

Title     = {Zum Stand der Kodifizierung romanischer Kleinsprachen. Romanistisches Kolloquium\,V},
series    = {Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik},
number    = {348},
Editor    = {Wolfgang Dahmen and Otto Gsell and Günter Holtus and Johannes Kramer and Michael Metzeltin and Otto Winkelmann},
Keywords  = {sek},
Location  = {Tübingen},
Publisher = {Gunter Narr},
Year      = {1991},
Title     = {\enquote{A Graphic System which Leads its own Linguistic Life?} Epistolary Spelling in English, 1400--1800},
Author    = {Kaislaniemi, Samuli and Evans, Mel and Juvonen, Teo and Sairio, Anni},
Editor    = {Tanja Säily and Arja Nurmi and Minna Palander-Collin and Anita Auer},
Booktitle = {Exploring Future Paths for Historical Sociolinguistics},
Series    = {Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics},
Number    = 7,
Keywords  = {sek},
Pages     = {187--213},
Year      = {2017},
Location  = {Amsterdam},
Publisher = {John Benjamins},


