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% Normal font
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Numbers = OldStyle,
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%% Math font
\setmathfont{Asana Math} % or some other suitable font
\tikzstyle{mybox} = [draw=black, fill=white, very thick, font=\scriptsize,
rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt, inner ysep=10pt]
\tikzstyle{fancytitle} =[fill=black, text=white, font=\scriptsize\bfseries]
%------------ Bandwidth and Noise ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
A band limited signal cannot be time limited and a time-limited signal cannot be band limited.
%------------ Bandwidth and Noise Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Bandwidth and Noise};
%------------ Energy ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
Energy $E = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}|x(t)|^{2}dt$ if $E$ is finite\\
Power $P=\lim\limits_{T \to \infty}\frac{1}{T}\int\limits_{-T/2}^{T/2}|x(t)|^{2}dt$
%------------ Energy Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Energy};
%------------ Hilbert Transform ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
\begin{tabular}{lp{4cm} l}
Shifts the phase by $-90^{o}$ \hspace*{0.1cm}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/175969/block-diagrams-using-tikz
\tikzstyle{block} = [draw, fill=white, rectangle,
minimum height=1em, minimum width=1em]
\tikzstyle{sum} = [draw, fill=white, circle, node distance=1cm]
\tikzstyle{input} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{output} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{pinstyle} = [pin edge={to-,thin,black}]
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, every node/.style={scale=0.7}, remember picture,overlay, auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [input, name=input] {};
\node [block, right of=input] (controller) {h(t)};
\node [output, right of = controller, name=output] {};
\draw [->] (input) -- node[name=$x(t)$] {$x(t)$} (controller);
\draw [->] (controller) -- node{$\hat{x}(t)$} (output);
\end{tikzpicture}\hspace*{3.5cm} $x(t)=
$\hat{X}(f) = -j\text{sgn}(f)X(f)$\hspace{4.55cm} $\hat{x}(t)=\Hat{\Hat{m}}(t)$\\
$\cos2\pi f_{c}(t)\Rightarrow\sin2\pi f_{c}t$ \hspace*{0.4cm} $\cos(2\pi f_{c}(t)-\frac{\pi}{2})\Rightarrow\sin2\pi f_{c}t$ \hspace*{1cm} $=-m(t)$\\
$\sin2\pi f_{c}t \Rightarrow -\cos2\pi f_{c}t$
%------------ Hilbert Transform Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Hilbert Transform};
%------------ Gram-Schmidt Content ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
v_{1} &= x_{1} \\
v_{2} &= x_{2} - \frac{\langle x_2, v_1\rangle}{||v_{1}||^2}v_{1}\\
v_{n} &= x_{m} - \sum_{k=1}^{m-1} \frac{\langle x_{m},v_{k} \rangle}{||v_{k}||^{2}}v_{k}
%------------ Gram-Schmidt Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Gram-Schmidt};
- 到上边界和下边界的距离由 控制
inner ysep
。 - 您正在嵌套
在另一个 的节点内有一个tikzpicture
。这可能会产生严重的副作用,因此应避免。 - 您不必投入
节点,text width
\usetikzlibrary{quotes, decorations.pathmorphing, shapes, arrows.meta}
\tikzset{block/.style={draw, fill=white, rectangle,
minimum height=1em, minimum width=1em]}}
\tikzset{sum/.style={draw, fill=white, circle, node distance=1cm}}
\tikzset{pinstyle/.style={pin edge={to-,thin,black}}}
\sbox\picbox{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, every node/.style={scale=0.7}, remember picture,overlay, auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
\node [input, name=input] {};
\node [block, right of=input] (controller) {h(t)};
\node [output, right of = controller, name=output] {};
\draw [->] (input) -- node[name=$x(t)$] {$x(t)$} (controller);
\draw [->] (controller) -- node{$\hat{x}(t)$} (output);
\usepackage{unicode-math} % loads 'fontspec' automatically
%\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} % 'Ligatures=TeX' is the default
% Normal font
\setmainfont{Fira Sans Light}[
Numbers = OldStyle,
BoldFont = Fira Sans Medium,
ItalicFont = Fira Sans Light Italic,
BoldItalicFont= Fira Sans Medium Italic]
\setsansfont{Fira Sans Light}[
Numbers = OldStyle,
BoldFont = Fira Sans Medium,
ItalicFont = Fira Sans Light Italic,
BoldItalicFont= Fira Sans Medium Italic]
% For source code
\setmonofont{Source Code Pro Light}[
BoldFont=Source Code Pro]
%% Math font
\setmathfont{Asana Math} % or some other suitable font
\tikzset{mybox/.style={draw=black, fill=white, very thick, font=\scriptsize,
rectangle, rounded corners, inner sep=10pt, inner ysep=6pt,text width=0.3\textwidth}}
\tikzset{fancytitle/.style={fill=black, text=white, font=\scriptsize\bfseries}}
%------------ Bandwidth and Noise ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
A band limited signal cannot be time limited and a time-limited signal cannot be band limited.
%------------ Bandwidth and Noise Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Bandwidth and Noise};
%------------ Energy ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
Energy $E = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}|x(t)|^{2}dt$ if $E$ is finite\\
Power $P=\lim\limits_{T \to \infty}\frac{1}{T}\int\limits_{-T/2}^{T/2}|x(t)|^{2}dt$
%------------ Energy Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Energy};
%------------ Hilbert Transform ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
\makecell[l]{Shifts the phase by $-90^\circ$\\
$\hat{X}(f) = -j\text{sgn}(f)X(f)$\\
$\cos2\pi f_{c}(t)\Rightarrow\sin2\pi f_{c}t$\\
$\cos(2\pi f_{c}(t)-\frac{\pi}{2})\Rightarrow\sin2\pi f_{c}t$ \\
$\sin2\pi f_{c}t \Rightarrow -\cos2\pi f_{c}t$
& \usebox\picbox & \makecell[r]{$x(t)=\hat{m}(t)$\\
%------------ Hilbert Transform Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Hilbert Transform};
%------------ Gram-Schmidt Content ---------------
\node [mybox] (box){%
v_{1} &= x_{1} \\
v_{2} &= x_{2} - \frac{\langle x_2, v_1\rangle}{||v_{1}||^2}v_{1}\\
v_{n} &= x_{m} - \sum_{k=1}^{m-1} \frac{\langle x_{m},v_{k} \rangle}{||v_{k}||^{2}}v_{k}
%------------ Gram-Schmidt Header ---------------------
\node[fancytitle, right=10pt] at (box.north west) {Gram-Schmidt};
我没有做很多事情,比如删除不必要的包。这是因为我希望你用 来绘制这些框tcolorbox
\newtcolorbox{mybox}[2][]{text width=0.6\textwidth,fontupper=\scriptsize,
fonttitle=\bfseries\sffamily\scriptsize, colbacktitle=black,enhanced,
attach boxed title to top left={yshift=-2mm,xshift=3mm},
boxed title style={sharp corners},top=3pt,bottom=2pt,
\begin{mybox}{Bandwidth and noise}
A band limited signal cannot be time limited and a time-limited signal cannot be band limited.and options.