大约一周前,在使用 TeX Live Utility 进行最后一次软件更新后,我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,我无法解决,因为我不记得更新的软件包,所以我不知道确切的搜索位置。MWE 的序言一直适用于我目前的工作和以前的工作。该问题与 reledmac 环境中的脚注有关,为了突出显示它,我设置了三种类型的注释:1. 普通脚注,它永远不会导致错误。2. 熟悉的脚注和关键脚注,两者都会导致错误。
\setmainfont{PT Serif}[Scale=1]
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont{SBL Hebrew}[Scale=1]
As any {dedicated}{{dedicato}} reader can clearly see, the Ideal of
practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things
in themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be
used as a canon for our understanding. As will easily be shown in the next section, reason would
thereby be made to contradict, in view of these considerations, the
Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold depends on the phenomena.\footnote{normal footnote}
The paralogisms of practical
reason are what first give rise to the architectonic of practical
reason. As will easily be shown in the next section, reason would
thereby be made to contradict, in view of these considerations, the
Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold depends on the phenomena.%\footnoteA{familiar footnote}
\edtext{prova}{\Afootnote[nosep]{critical footnote}}
\texthebrew{אבג דהו זחט יכל מנס עפצ פרש ת}
Hume tells us that the transcendental unity of
apperception can not take account of the discipline of natural reason,
by means of analytic unity. As is proven in the ontological manuals,
it is obvious that the transcendental unity of apperception proves the
validity of the Antinomies; what we have alone been able to show is
that, our understanding depends on the Categories. It remains a
mystery why the Ideal stands in need of reason.
Our concepts have lying before them the
paralogisms of natural reason, but our a posteriori concepts have
lying before them the practical employment of our experience. Because
of our necessary ignorance of the conditions, the paralogisms would
thereby be made to contradict, indeed, space; for these reasons, the
Transcendental Deduction has lying before it our sense perceptions.
Because of our necessary ignorance
of the conditions, it must not be supposed that, then, formal logic
(and what we have alone been able to show is that this is true) is a
representation of the never-ending regress in the series of empirical
conditions, but the discipline of pure reason, in so far as this
expounds the contradictory rules of metaphysics, depends on the
\texthebrew{אבג דהו זחט יכל מנס עפצ פרש ת}
该问题发生在 bidi 包的 34.4 版本中,当使用从右到左的语言时,该包由 polyglossia 加载。
bidi 包的作者修改了 bidi 包的代码以解决这个问题。bidi 包的 34.8 版本解决了这个问题。