有没有办法生成一个表格,可以根据 bibtex 中的 @article、@proceedings 和其他类别提供计数?
可以使用 的钩子轻松计算每种条目类型的条目数\AtDataInput
则方法可能与 类似\AtEveryBibitem
\usepackage[style=authoryear, backend=biber]{biblatex}
% generic counters: typecounter@article, ...
% will throw an error if Biber hasn't been run yet, so I'd avoid them
\csname typecounter@\the\c@refsection @#1\endcsname}%
% initialise refsection-specific counters
% count entries of each type for this refsection
% \AtDataInput is executed once for every refsection
\stepcounter{typecounter@\the\c@refsection @\abx@field@entrytype}}
% produce a table
\ifltxcounter{typecounter@\the\c@refsection @##1}
{\ifnum\value{typecounter@\the\c@refsection @##1}>0
& \arabic{typecounter@\the\c@refsection @##1}\\}
Type & Count \\
% custom names for the table can be defined with
% typecounter@name@<entrytype>
\csdef{typecounter@name@article}{Journal articles}