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\section{Requirement analysis}

    \begin{longtable}{| p{.15\textwidth} | p{.55\textwidth} | p{.18\textwidth}|}
    \textbf{Termini} & \textbf{Descrizione} & \textbf{Sinonimi} \\ \hline
    Prototype & Exemplary of reference to which they are referable aspects and typical characteristics of that prototype. & \\
    Allarm & Sound emitted from the console if a sensor installed on the wall detects an obstacle in front of him, along the path of the robot. & allarm sound \\
    \caption{Glossary of terms}

\subsection{User stories}
\labelssec{User stories}
A User Story (user story) is a customer requirement written in natural language from the user point of view, to understand the technical staff, users and domain experts. 




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  • caption使用选项加载包skip=0.333\baselineskip。这将确保标题更靠近表格本身。

完整的 MWE:

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\section{Requirement analysis}

\begin{longtable}{| p{.15\textwidth} | p{.55\textwidth} | p{.18\textwidth}|}

    \textbf{Termini} & \textbf{Descrizione} & \textbf{Sinonimi} \\ 
    \caption{Glossary of terms}

    Prototype & Exemplary of reference to which they are referable aspects and typical characteristics of that prototype. & \\
    Allarm & Sound emitted from the console if a sensor installed on the wall detects an obstacle in front of him, along the path of the robot. & allarm sound \\

\subsection{User stories}
\label{User stories}

A User Story (user story) is a customer requirement written in natural language from the user point of view, to understand the technical staff, users and domain experts.

