
If the positive integer $x$ is not a divisor of $m$, the terms of this new 
sum are zero except when $m$ $-$ $k$ = $m$ mod $x$, when we have $a_{m-k}(x)- 
a_{m-k-1}(x) = 1$. On the other hand if \testit{x} is a divisor of $x$, the 
only nonvanishing terms occurs for $m - k = x$, when we have $a_{m-k}(x)- 
a_{m-k-1}(x) = 0 - (x - 1) $. Hence the sum is $1-x$[$x$ divides $m$]. Libri 
obtained his complicated formula by a less direct method,
applying Newton’s identities to compute the sum of the mth powers of the 
roots of the equation $t^{x-1}+t^{x-2}+\cdot\cdot\cdot+1=0$.)


\indent Some of Libri’s papers are still well remembered, but [32] and [33] 
are not. I found no mention of them in $Science\; Citation\; Index$, after 
searching through all years of that index available in our library (1955 to 
date). However, the paper [33] did produce several ripples in mathematical 
waters when it originally appeared, because it stirred up a controversy about 
whether $0^0$ is defined. Most mathematicians agreed that $0^0 = 1$, but 
Cauchy [5, page 70] had listed $0^0$ together with other expression like 
$0/0$ and $\infty -\infty$ in a table of undefined forms. Libri’s 
justification for the equation $0^0 = 1$ was far from convincing, and a 
commentator who signed his name simply y “S” rose tothe attack [45]. August 
M¨obius [36] defended Libri, by presenting his former professor’s reason for 
believing that $0^0 = 1$ (basically a proof that $\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} x^x 
= 1).$ M\"obiuss also went further and presented a supposed proof that 
$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} f(x)^{g(x)} = 1$ whenever $\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} 
f(x) = {\space}$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} g(x) = 0.$ Of course “S” then asked 
[3] whether M\"obius knew about functions such as $f(x) = e^{-1/x} $ and $ 
g(x) = x.$ (And paper [36] was quietly omitted from the historical record 
when the collected works of M\"obius were ultimately published.) The debate 
stopped there, apparently with the conclusion that
$0^0$ should be undefined.

最后,我得到了正确的方程式,因为生成了 pdf,但它一直给我这两个实例相同的错误。我对 latex 还很陌生,所以我不太确定这些错误。谢谢你的帮助!错误


欢迎来到 TeX.SE!正如 @Mico 所指出的,有一个\testit可能应该是\textit。实际上,在您使用此命令的地方,它$x$无论如何都应该是 ,并且有一个地方$应该是\textit\textit{Science Citation Index}。除了修复它之外,我还必须删除“Newton”、“Libri” 后面的几个特殊字符、符号¨等,以使您的代码可编译。最后,我将其修复$m$ $-$ $k$ = $m$ mod $x$$m-k=m\mod x$,这就是我加载 的原因amsmath,我将其替换\cdot\cdot\cdot\cdots

If the positive integer $x$ is not a divisor of $m$, the terms of this new 
sum are zero except when $m-k=m\mod x$, when we have $a_{m-k}(x)- 
a_{m-k-1}(x) = 1$. On the other hand if $x$ is a divisor of $x$, the 
only nonvanishing terms occurs for $m - k = x$, when we have $a_{m-k}(x)- 
a_{m-k-1}(x) = 0 - (x - 1) $. Hence the sum is $1-x$ [$x$ divides $m$]. Libri 
obtained his complicated formula by a less direct method,
applying Newton's identities to compute the sum of the mth powers of the 
roots of the equation $t^{x-1}+t^{x-2}+\cdots+1=0$.

Some of Libri's papers are still well remembered, but [32] and [33] 
are not. I found no mention of them in \textit{Science Citation Index}, after 
searching through all years of that index available in our library (1955 to 
date). However, the paper [33] did produce several ripples in mathematical 
waters when it originally appeared, because it stirred up a controversy about 
whether $0^0$ is defined. Most mathematicians agreed that $0^0 = 1$, but 
Cauchy [5, page 70] had listed $0^0$ together with other expression like 
$0/0$ and $\infty -\infty$ in a table of undefined forms. Libri's 
justification for the equation $0^0 = 1$ was far from convincing, and a 
commentator who signed his name simply ``S'' rose tothe attack [45]. August 
M\"obius [36] defended Libri, by presenting his former professor's reason for 
believing that $0^0 = 1$ (basically a proof that $\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} x^x 
= 1).$ M\"obius also went further and presented a supposed proof that 
$\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} f(x)^{g(x)} = 1$ whenever $\lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} 
f(x) = \lim_{x \rightarrow 0+} g(x) = 0.$ Of course``S'' then asked 
[3] whether M\"obius knew about functions such as $f(x) = e^{-1/x} $ and $ 
g(x) = x.$ (And paper [36] was quietly omitted from the historical record 
when the collected works of M\"obius were ultimately published.) The debate 
stopped there, apparently with the conclusion that
$0^0$ should be undefined.


