我想将表格的前缀从“表格 1”更改为“S 3”,文档仅包含该表格,因此我需要自己设置数字。我尝试了设置标题命令,但这只能解决“表格”变为“S”的问题,而不能解决“1”变为“3”的问题。我将非常感谢每一个提示。
\usepackage{dcolumn,tabularx,ragged2e, caption}
\captionsetup{singlelinecheck = false, justification=justified}\captionsetup[table]{name=S1 Descriptives Table}
\textbf{}&\textbf{Mean/Prop.(unimputed) \tnote{1}}& \textbf{Range} \\
\textbf{test test test} & 3.157 (0.044) & {0-12} \\
\textbf{test test test} & 25.8\% & \\
\item[1] These values were calculated using weighted and imputed data.
这里有一个解决方案,它 (a) 修改 LaTeX 宏\tablename
并且 (b) 在语句(否则不显眼)之前立即将表号设置为预期数字减 1。这种方法保留了通过通常的/机制\caption
\usepackage{booktabs, caption}
\captionsetup{singlelinecheck = false,
justification = justified,
labelsep = space} % <-- new
% Omit the next instruction if you want whitespace between "S" and the number:
\setcounter{table}{2} % intended number minus 1
\caption{Descriptive Table}
\textbf{}&\textbf{Mean/Prop. (unimputed)\tnote{1}}& \textbf{Range} \\
\textbf{test test test} & 3.157 (0.044) & 0--12 \\
\textbf{test test test} & 25.8\% & \\
\item[1] These values were calculated using weighted and imputed data.