我读此主题并问自己:我怎样才能将这种括号设置\lgroup, \rgroup
BTW: In this MWE below, I wrote the group-commands directly in the table; furthermore, I will will take them out there with '@cell content'.
BTW: I ask in the
德国乳胶论坛 too. But I think, this is completely coupled with A.M.S typeset.
\documentclass[border=3mm, varwidth]{standalone}
\usepackage{pgfplotstable, amsmath}
% Brackets
Actual: $M =
every head row/.style={output empty row},%
string type,
%dec sep align % geht nicht
{\OL 1} 2.0 {3\OR} abc
{$|$ 4} 5 {6 \Strich} d
{\Strich 7} -8 {9 \Strich} e
{\UL 10} 11 {-12\UR} f
Target: $M =
\left\lgroup\begin{array}{r r | r}
1 & 2.0 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6\\
7 & -8 & 9\\
10 & 11 & -12\\
\end{array}\right\rgroup \begin{array}{l}
abc \\ d \\ e \\ f \\
基本与 cis 相同,但有一些额外之处:
\documentclass[border=3mm, varwidth]{standalone}
\usepackage{pgfplotstable, amsmath}
% Brackets
\pgfplotstableread[header=false,string type]{% store in one macro
1 2.0 3 abc \\
4 5 6 d \\
7 -8 9 e \\
10 11 -12 f \\
Actual: $M = \left\lgroup
\pgfplotstabletypeset[header=false,string type,
every head row/.style={output empty row},%
columns={[index]0, [index]1, [index]2},
columns/0/.style={column type=r},
columns/1/.style={column type=r|},
columns/2/.style={column type=r},
]\mytable \right\rgroup
\pgfplotstabletypeset[header=false,string type,
every head row/.style={output empty row},%
columns/3/.style={column type=l,
postproc cell content/.append style={/pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={$}{$},}}
Target: $M =
\left\lgroup\begin{array}{r r | r}
1 & 2.0 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6\\
7 & -8 & 9\\
10 & 11 & -12\\
\end{array}\right\rgroup \begin{array}{l}
abc \\ d \\ e \\ f \\
(1) \pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={0,1,2}]{\test}
(2) \pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={3}]{\test}
(3))$\left\lgroup \pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={0,1,2}, dec sep align]{\test} \right\rgroup \pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={3}]{\test}$
\documentclass[border=5mm, varwidth]{standalone}
\usepackage{tikz, amsmath}
1 2.0 3 abc
4 5 6 d
7 -8 9 e
10 11 -12.1 f
every head row/.style={output empty row},% keinen verdammten HEADER!!!
string type
\pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={0,1,2}, dec sep align]{\test}