给你一个开始。我所做的只是稍微修改Jake 的误差线命令。我没心情从你的屏幕截图中读出坐标,所以我编了一些。
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
x y error
2 0.95 0.2
4.5 0.8 0.12
8 0.85 0.085
11 0.86 0.09
14 0.87 0.07
\newcommand{\errorband}[5][]{ % x column, y column, error column, optional argument for setting style of the area plot
% Lower bound (invisible plot)
\addplot [draw=none, stack plots=y, forget plot] table [
y expr=\thisrow{#4}-2*\thisrow{#5}
] {\datatable};
% Stack twice the error, draw as area plot
\addplot [draw=none, fill=gray!40, stack plots=y, area legend, #1] table [
y expr=4*\thisrow{#5}
] {\datatable} \closedcycle;
% Reset stack using invisible plot
\addplot [forget plot, stack plots=y,draw=none] table [x={#3}, y expr=-(\thisrow{#4}+2*\thisrow{#5})] {\datatable};
\errorband[red, opacity=0.2]{data.dat}{x}{y}{error}
\addplot [red,mark=*,thick] table [
x index=0,
y index=1] {data.dat};