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\ecvname{Betty Smith}
\ecvemail{[email protected]}



  \ecvsection{Work experience}

  \ecvtitle{Year -- Year}{Text.}


笔记:我正在寻找一个不涉及的答案\RenewDocumentCommand,因为它不编译(我的 TeX 版本已更新,如编辑中所示)。修改达到europasscv.cls相同效果也是可以接受的。

编辑: 错误信息:






您想删除所有指向邮件/网页的链接,以便它变成一个简单的 PDF。嗯,这是一个问题,因为这取决于您使用的查看器:一些 pdf 查看器能够识别网页和邮件并为它们创建正确的链接...


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因此,有了以下 MWE

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\ecvname{Katie Smith}
\ecvaddress{12 Strawberry Hill, Dublin 8 Éire/Ireland}
\ecvmobile{+353 555 123 555}
\ecvtelephone{+353 127 6689}
\ecvworkphone{+353 999 888 777}
\ecvemail{[email protected] [email protected]}
\ecvhomepage{www.myhomepage.com www.another-homepage.com}
% \ecvgithubpage{www.github.com/smith}
% \ecvlinkedinpage{www.linkedin.com/in/katie-smith}
\ecvim{AOL Messenger}{katie.smith}
\ecvim{Google Talk}{ksmith}

\ecvdateofbirth{1 March 1975}

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  \ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{European project manager}

  \ecvsection{Work experience}

  \ecvtitle{August 2002 -- Present}{Independent consultant}
  \ecvitem{}{National Youth Council of Ireland\newline 3 Montague Street, Dublin 2, D02 V327, Ireland}
  \ecvitem{}{Evaluation of European Commission youth training support measures for youth national agencies and young people}

  \ecvtitle{March 2002 -- July 2002}{Internship}
  \ecvitem{}{European Commission, Youth Unit, DG Education and Culture \newline 200, Rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels (Belgium)}
      \item evaluating youth training programmes and the partnership between the Council of Europe and European Commission
      \item organizing and running a 2 day workshop on non-formal education for Action 5 large scale projects focusing on quality, assessment and recognition
      \item contributing to the steering sroup on training and developing action plans on training for the next 3 years. Working on the Users Guide for training and the support measures
  \ecvitem{}{\ecvhighlight{Business or sector}\quad European institution}

  \ecvtitle{Oct 2001 -- Feb 2002}{Researcher / Independent Consultant}
  \ecvitem{}{Council of Europe, Budapest (Hungary)}
  \ecvitem{}{Working in a research team carrying out in-depth qualitative evaluation of the 2 year Advanced Training of Trainers in Europe using participant observations, in-depth interviews and focus groups. Work carried out in training courses in Strasbourg, Slovenia and Budapest.}

  \ecvsection{Education and training}

  \ecvtitlelevel{1997--2001}{PhD - Thesis Title: 'Young People in the Construction of the Virtual University’, Empirical research on e-learning}{ISCED~6}
  \ecvitem{}{Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland}

  \ecvtitle{1993--1997}{Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Psychology}
  \ecvitem{}{Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland}
    \item sociology of risk
    \item sociology of scientific knowledge / information society
    \item anthropology
    \item E-learning and Psychology
    \item research methods


  \ecvsection{Personal skills}
  \ecvlanguagecertificate{Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) B1}

  \ecvblueitem{Communication skills}{
    \item team work: I have worked in various types of teams from research teams to national league hockey. For 2 years I coached my university hockey team
    \item mediating skills: I work on the borders between young people, youth trainers, youth policy and researchers, for example running a 3 day workshop at CoE Symposium ``Youth Actor of Social Change'', and my continued work on youth training programmes 
    \item intercultural skills: I am experienced at working in a European dimension such as being a rapporteur at the CoE Budapest ``youth against violence seminar'' and working with refugees.

  \ecvblueitem{Organisational / managerial skills}{
    \item whilst working for a Brussels based refugee NGO ``Convivial'' I organized a ``Civil Dialogue'' between refugees and civil servants at the European Commission 20th June 2002
    \item during my PhD I organised a seminar series on research methods


  \ecvblueitem{Computer skills}{
    \item competent with most Microsoft Office programmes
    \item experience with HTML

  \ecvblueitem{Other skills}{Creating pieces of Art and visiting Modern Art galleries. Enjoy all sports particularly hockey, football and running. Love to travel and experience different cultures.}

  \ecvblueitem{Driving licence}{A, B}

  \ecvsection{Additional information}

  \ecvblueitem{Publications}{\textit{How to do Observations: Borrowing techniques from the Social Sciences to help Participants do Observations in Simulation Exercises}, Coyote EU/CoE Partnership Publication, (2002).






此类有多个版本。您似乎正在使用较旧的版本(请参阅日志文件中的 beta 备注)。


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