

我在另一台计算机上撰写了我的硕士论文,现在我想使用 TexWorks(带有pdflatex++ )进行编译makeindexbibtex就像在另一台电脑上一样。


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DIV16,               % DIV-value for creating the print space, (see scrguien.pdf)
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bibtotoc,            % put bibliography into table of contents
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tablecaptionabove,   % use table headings with correct spacing
]{scrbook}[2007/12/24]  % scrbook-Version min. v2.98 from 2007/12/24

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%                                 % check the resulting pdf-file: fonts should been embedded, subsetted and of type 1 (NOT type 3!)
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\usepackage{booktabs}            % package provides additional commands to enhance the quality of tables
\usepackage{datetime}            % provides \pdfdate command
\usepackage[pageno, draft]{listofsymbols}   % includes a lis of symbols/ good to have an overview over one's notations
\usepackage{verbatim}   % use multiline comments
\numberwithin{equation}{section} % amsmath: numbering equations
\bibliography{main}                             % read file main.bib   (bibliography entries)
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% non pdflatex settings (normal latex compiler assumed)
% different settings for the pdflatex compiler
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\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Abbildungsverzeichnis} % new name for the list of figures

\title{Minimal Example}
Author\\ }
Dr. Ad, Visor1\\
Dr. Ad, Visor2


This is just a test \cite{mack2002}.
\nocite{*}  % use all bibliography entries


我的 main.bib 文件如下所示,与 main.tex 文件位于同一文件夹中。

title = {Schadensversicherungsmathematik},
publisher = {Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft},
year = {2002},
author = {Thomas Mack},
%  pages = {412},
% isbn = {3-540-29097-4},





您提供的 bib 文件中有一个错误。请更正以下行



volume = {2},

然后您需要运行 biber 来获取您的参考书目,因为如果您不使用选项,biber 就是标准的backend=bibtex,




最后出现很多警告,因为您使用的是过时的 KOMA-Script 版本。

在以下 MWE 中我纠正了错误和大部分警告:

    author =       "Albert Einstein",
    title =        "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German})
    [{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]",
    journal =      "Annalen der Physik",
    volume =       "322",
    number =       "10",
    pages =        "891--921",
    year =         "1905",
    DOI =          "http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.19053221004",
    keywords =     "physics",
    title={The Principles of Quantum Mechanics},
    author={Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac},
    series={International series of monographs on physics},
    publisher={Clarendon Press},
    keywords = {physics},
title = {Schadensversicherungsmathematik},
publisher = {Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft},
year = {2002},
author = {Thomas Mack},
volume = {2},

% kate: encoding iso-8859-1
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parskip=half, version=first,         % spacing between paragraphs <===========================
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bibliography=totoc,            % put bibliography into table of contents <=====================
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captions=tableheading,   % use table headings with correct spacing <===========================
]{scrbook}[2007/12/24]  % scrbook-Version min. v2.98 from 2007/12/24

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%                                 % check the resulting pdf-file: fonts should been embedded, subsetted and of type 1 (NOT type 3!)
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\usepackage{amsfonts}            % additional fonts like \mathbb, \mathfrak
\usepackage{amssymb}             % additional symbols
\usepackage{bbm}                 % indicator function
\usepackage{url}                 % support for urls
  backend=biber, % <====================================================
\addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % <=======================================
%\bibliography{main} % <================================================

\usepackage[english]{babel}             % English orthography
\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage}            % head and foot layout <=======
\usepackage{ushort}              % complex values require an underline (use\ushort or \ushortw)
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\usepackage{booktabs}            % package provides additional commands to enhance the quality of tables
\usepackage{datetime}            % provides \pdfdate command
\usepackage[pageno, draft]{listofsymbols}   % includes a lis of symbols/ good to have an overview over one's notations
\usepackage{verbatim}   % use multiline comments
\numberwithin{equation}{section} % amsmath: numbering equations

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% non pdflatex settings (normal latex compiler assumed)
% different settings for the pdflatex compiler
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urlcolor    = {black}
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Literaturverzeichnis}   % new name for the bibiography
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Abbildung}           % new name for the figure
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Abbildungsverzeichnis} % new name for the list of figures

\title{Minimal Example}
Author\\ }
Dr. Ad, Visor1\\
Dr. Ad, Visor2


This is just a test \cite{mack2002}.
\nocite{*}  % use all bibliography entries



