长头的 Proof 环境会导致很多问题。如何避免这些问题?

长头的 Proof 环境会导致很多问题。如何避免这些问题?


Euler is the greatest mathematician of all times.
\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma~\ref{lem:euler} under the additional assumption that there
exists a unique mathematician of all times and that this unique mathematician of all times
has a magnitude]
Indeed, under the above assumption, the magnitude is given by the greatness. But if there
is only one mathematician, he is automatically the greatest. Since Euler was a mathematician,
we are done.


  • 校样标题可能会长于一行。它不适合一行,但不会自动换行。

  • 我无法在证明标题中使用显示数学。

  • 我不介意句子末尾必须有句号。对于一些句子,我可以手动省略最后一个句号。没问题!
  • 即使标题适合一行但接近末尾,并且我开始在校样中写段落,新段落也不会很好地展开,而是会超出边距(疯狂地overfull boxes)。手动插入没有帮助newline。文本根本没有展开,而是左对齐。
  • 假设我想在长标题后开始一个新行,我所知道的最好的做法是\mbox{}\newline因为简单标题newline不能被识别为[text]( ->warning) 之后的一行。





  \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax
  {\itshape #1\@addpunct{.}}\hskip\labelsep\ignorespaces



Euler is the greatest mathematician of all times.

\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma~\ref{lem:euler} under the additional assumption that there
exists a unique mathematician of all times and that this unique mathematician of all times
has a magnitude]
Indeed, under the above assumption, the magnitude is given by the greatness. But if there
is only one mathematician, he is automatically the greatest. Since Euler was a mathematician,
we are done.


