Tikz 图片校正

Tikz 图片校正

我需要修正图形的上部尺寸(即使菱形对称,指向节点 s5 的箭头与图形下部的箭头对齐)-忽略最后一个矩形中不可读的文本:它是希腊语。谢谢

\WarningFilter*{mdframed}{You got a bad break}
\WarningFilter{latex}{Text page}
\usepackage {tikz}
\usetikzlibrary {positioning,graphs,calc,decorations.pathmorphing,shapes,arrows.meta,arrows}


\tikzset{every loop/.style={min distance=15mm,looseness=10}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[-latex ,auto ,node distance =1.5cm and 3cm, on grid,semithick ,
state/.style ={rectangle ,top color =white , bottom color = cyan!20, draw,cyan , text=blue , minimum width =1 cm}]
\node[state] (s5) {$S5$};
\node[shape=coordinate] (inv) [below =of s5]{};
\node[state] (B) [below left =of inv]{$B$};
\node[state] (s4) [below right =of inv] {$s4$};
\node[state] (t) [below right =of B] {$T$};
\node[state] (d) [below =of t] {$D$};
\node[state] (k) [below =of d] {$K$};
\node[state,yshift=-0.8cm] (pl) [below =of k]
{\begin{tabular}{c}Κλασική Προτασιακή Λογική\\$\diamond\varphi\equiv\neg\Box\neg\varphi$\\Κανόνας Αναγκαιότητας\\Νόμος Απόσπασης\end{tabular}};
\path (pl) edge [bend left = 0] node[xshift=4.2cm, yshift=0.02cm] {$\Box(\varphi\rightarrow\psi)\rightarrow(\Box\varphi\rightarrow\Box\psi)$} (k);
\path (k) edge [bend left = 0] node[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\diamond\varphi$} (d);
\path (d) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\varphi$} (t);
\path (t.north) edge [bend right = 0] node[yshift=0.03cm] {$\varphi\rightarrow\Box\diamond\varphi$} (B);
\path (t.north) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=2.1cm, yshift=-0.505cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\Box\Box\varphi$} (s4);
\path (B) [-] edge [bend right = 0] node[below =0.15 cm] {} (inv);
\path (s4) [-] edge [bend right = 0] node[below =0.15 cm] {} (inv);
\path (inv) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=2.05cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\diamond\Box\varphi$} (s5);




\node[state,yshift=-3.5cm] (t) [below =of s5] {$T$};


\WarningFilter*{mdframed}{You got a bad break}
\WarningFilter{latex}{Text page}
\usepackage {tikz}
\usetikzlibrary {positioning,graphs,calc,decorations.pathmorphing,shapes,arrows.meta,arrows}


\tikzset{every loop/.style={min distance=15mm,looseness=10}}
\begin{tikzpicture}[-latex ,auto ,node distance =1.5cm and 3cm, on grid,semithick ,
state/.style ={rectangle ,top color =white , bottom color = cyan!20, draw,cyan , text=blue , minimum width =1 cm}]
\node[state] (s5) {$S5$};
\node[shape=coordinate] (inv) [below =of s5]{};
\node[state] (B) [below left =of inv]{$B$};
\node[state] (s4) [below right =of inv] {$s4$};
\node[state,yshift=-3.5cm] (t) [below =of s5] {$T$};
\node[state] (d) [below =of t] {$D$};
\node[state] (k) [below =of d] {$K$};
\node[state,yshift=-0.8cm] (pl) [below =of k]
{\begin{tabular}{c}Κλασική Προτασιακή Λογική\\$\diamond\varphi\equiv\neg\Box\neg\varphi$\\Κανόνας Αναγκαιότητας\\Νόμος Απόσπασης\end{tabular}};
\path (pl) edge [bend left = 0] node[xshift=4.2cm, yshift=0.02cm] {$\Box(\varphi\rightarrow\psi)\rightarrow(\Box\varphi\rightarrow\Box\psi)$} (k);
\path (k) edge [bend left = 0] node[xshift=1.8cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\diamond\varphi$} (d);
\path (d) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=1.6cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\varphi$} (t);
\path (t.north) edge [bend right = 0] node[yshift=0.03cm] {$\varphi\rightarrow\Box\diamond\varphi$} (B);
\path (t.north) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=2.1cm, yshift=-0.505cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\Box\Box\varphi$} (s4);
\path (B) [-] edge [bend right = 0] node[below =0.15 cm] {} (inv);
\path (s4) [-] edge [bend right = 0] node[below =0.15 cm] {} (inv);
\path (inv) edge [bend right = 0] node[xshift=2.05cm, yshift=0.03cm] {$\Box\varphi\rightarrow\diamond\Box\varphi$} (s5);

