







在对 OP 的评论中,有人问是否可以在第一次使用命令时让命令自行定义。据我所知,这是不可能的,但是,可以使用以下命令一次性定义一大堆类似的命令。

\newcommand\BuildCommands[1]{% usage: \BuildCommands{comma separated list}




诀窍是\docsvlist来自电子工具箱包,它循环遍历逗号分隔的列表来定义来自 CSV 的形式的\mycmdXXX命令XXX

也许这满足了 OP 的要求?如果这确实回答了问题,那么正如 @siracusa 上面的评论一样,我不清楚为什么使用类似的东西是不够的:

\mycmd{AAA} \mycmd{BBB} ...



\newcommand\BuildCommands[1]{% usage: \BuildCommands{comma separated list}







 {% #1 = prefix,
  % #2 = list,
  % #3 (optional) = exceptions
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #2 }
    \cs_new:cpx { #1##1 } { \str_case:nnF {##1}{#3}{##1} }



\myAAA \par
\myBBB \par
\mytable \par
\myfoo \par

\ourAAA \par
\ourBBB \par
\ourtable \par
\ourfoo \par






这里是用纯 TeX 实现的循环,用于定义许多类似的命令。

您可以通过添加宏\Exceptionfork和 来指定例外\ForkExceptions



这是一种快速而粗糙的事情,我可能会在创建文档时这样做,因为除了我之外没有人会获得 .tex 源,但是当我为要向公众发布的包或类似的东西编写代码时,我不会这样做。;-)

%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked is not empty>}%
  \secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\firstoftwo{ }{}\firstoftwo}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument contains no token \dLm on top-brace-level:
%% \CheckWhetherNoDelimiter{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked does not contain \dLm>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked does contain \dLm>}%
%% Create control-sequence-token from macro name:
%% \name{foo} -> \foo
%% \name\newcommand{foo}... -> \newcommand\foo....
  \expandafter\exchange\csname#2\endcsname{ #1}%
%% Tail-recursive loop for defining similar commands:
%% \dlm denotes the end of the comma-list:
\long\def\Exceptionfork#1\dLm\dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm#2#3\dLm\dLm\dLm\dLm{ #2}% The space before #2 stops \romannumeral-expansion.
    \dLm#1\dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm{Definition text for case emptiness}%<- Definition text in case of empty argument
    \dLm  \dLm  #1\dLm EEE\dLm{Definition text for exceptional case DDD}%<-Definition text in case DDD
    \dLm  \dLm DDD\dLm  #1\dLm{Definition text for exceptional case EEE}%<-Definition text in case EEE
    \dLm  \dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm{#1}%<- Definition text for other cases without \dLm
  }{ #1}%<- Definition text for other cases with \dLm. The space before #1 stops \romannumeral-expansion.





\string\MycmdAAA: \meaning\MycmdAAA

\string\MycmdBBB: \meaning\MycmdBBB

\string\MycmdCCC: \meaning\MycmdCCC

\string\MycmdDDD: \meaning\MycmdDDD

\string\MycmdEEE: \meaning\MycmdEEE

\string\MycmdFFF: \meaning\MycmdFFF

\string\Mycmd: \meaning\Mycmd

\name\string{Mycmd!!!}: \name\meaning{Mycmd!!!}

\name\string{Mycmd,,,}: \name\meaning{Mycmd,,,}




在下面的例子中,我将上一个例子中的分叉技术与选择 L 个连续无分隔参数中的第 K 个参数的例程相结合。

%% "Paraphernalia":
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% \CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked is not empty>}%
  \secondoftwo\string}\expandafter\expandafter\firstoftwo{ }{}%
  \secondoftwo}{\expandafter\expandafter\firstoftwo{ }{}\firstoftwo}%
%% Keep only the K-th of L consecutive undelimited arguments.
%%   ( IF K < 1 OR K > L just remove L consecutive undelimited arguments. )
%% \KeepKthOfLArguments{<integer number K>}%
%%                     {<integer number L>}%
%%                     <sequence of L consecutive undelimited arguments>
%% If L < 1 yields nothing.
%% Else:
%%   If K >= 1 and K <= L  yields:
%%     <K-th undelimited argument from <sequence of L consecutive undelimited 
%%      arguments>>
%%   If K < 1 or K > L
%%     (-> there is no K-th argument in the
%%         <sequence of L consecutive undelimited arguments> )
%%   yields nothing  but removal of <sequence of L consecutive 
%%          undelimited arguments>
  % #1: <integer number K>
  % #2: <integer number L>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000\expandafter}%
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#2 000}%
  % #1: <K letters m>
  % #2: <L letters m >
  \CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% K is smaller than one:
    \UDKeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#2}{ }{}%
  }{% K is not smaller than one:
  % #1: <K letters m>  
  % #2: <L letters m>
  % (For detecting whether K>L or K<=L, during the loop letters m will
  %  be removed both from #1 and #2 until at least one of these arguments 
  %  is empty.
  %  When the loop terminates with 0<K<=L, #1 will be empty and #2
  %  will hold an amount of letters m corresponding to the the 
  %  difference L-K.
  %  When the loop terminates with K>L, #1 will not be empty and #2
  %  will be empty.
  % )
  % #3: <K-1 letters m>
  % #4: <L letters m>
  % (#3 and #4 will be left untouched during the loop so they can be 
  %  used for performing appropriate action when loop terminates as
  %  it is known whether K>L.)
  \CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% We have K<=L:
       \UDKeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#2}{ }%
    \CheckWhetherNull{#2}{% We have K>L:
      \UDKeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{#4}{ }{}%
    }{% We don't know yet whether K<=L or K>L, thus remove letters m and 
      % do another iteration:
%% \UDKeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments{<N letters m>}%
%%                                       {<argument 1>}%
%%                                       {<argument 2>}%
%%                                       <sequence of consecutive 
%%                                        undelimited arguments>
%% Removes the first N undelimited arguments from the <sequence of 
%% consecutive undelimited arguments>, then inserts  
%% <argument 1><argument 2>
%% On the one hand when providing <argument 2> empty, you can use 
%% <argument 1> for nesting calls to \UD@KeepKthOfLArgumentsRemoveNArguments.
%% On the other hand you can provide a <space token> for stopping
%% \romannumeral-expansion as  <argument 1> and have the
%% macro grab the <K-th undelimited argument> from the <sequence of L 
%% consecutive undelimited arguments> as <argument 2>.
  %% #1: <N letters m>  
  %% #2: <Argument 1>   
  %% #3: <Argument 2>
%% Forking-mechanism:
%% Check whether argument contains no token \dLm on top-brce-level:
%% \CheckWhetherNoDelimiter{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked does not contain \dLm>}%
%%                  {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                    argument which is to be checked does contain \dLm>}%
%% Fork via delimited arguments:
\long\def\ForkMyCmd#1\dLm\dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm#2#3\dLm\dLm\dLm\dLm{#2}%
    % \KeepKthOfLArguments does evaluate its number-arguments via
    % \romannumeral/\number-expansion.
    % Thus we can here use the forking technique for selecting the
    % appropriate value K for laterwards picking the K-th argument:
      \dLm#1\dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm{2}%<-argument to pick in case of empty argument
      \dLm  \dLm  #1\dLm EEE\dLm{3}%<-argument to pick in case DDD
      \dLm  \dLm DDD\dLm  #1\dLm{4}%<-argument to pick in case EEE
      \dLm  \dLm DDD\dLm EEE\dLm{1}%<-argument to pick for other cases without \dLm
    }{1}%<- argument to pick for other cases with \dLm
  }{4}% We will have L=4 cases/arguments
  \MycmdFork{#1}% argument to check.
  {#1}% text in all other cases.
  {text in exception-case argument is empty}%
  {text in exception-case argument is DDD}%
  {text in exception-case argument is EEE}%   


\string\Mycmd\string{AAA\string}: \Mycmd{AAA}

\string\Mycmd\string{BBB\string}: \Mycmd{BBB}

\string\Mycmd\string{CCC\string}: \Mycmd{CCC}

\string\Mycmd\string{DDD\string}: \Mycmd{DDD}

\string\Mycmd\string{EEE\string}: \Mycmd{EEE}

\string\Mycmd\string{FFF\string}: \Mycmd{FFF}

\string\Mycmd\string{\string}: \Mycmd{}

\string\Mycmd\string{!!!\string}: \Mycmd{!!!}

\string\Mycmd\string{,,,\string}: \Mycmd{,,,}





    \expandafter\def\csname mycmd\x\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\x}%

