本文档中有两幅图。第二幅图使用 minipages 将其子图与表格放在一起(如这个答案),遗憾的是第二个表的子图没有标记为 ab 而是 cd;可能是因为它们被错误地看作是第一个图的一部分(如上所示)。
% for \extrasrrowheight
*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@<-.5ex>[d]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@<-.5ex>[u]_{k_{d1}}
\caption{Single binding configuration}
&*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@<-.5ex>[dl]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \ar@<.5ex>[dr]^{k_{a2}(R-x_1-x_2)} & \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@<-.5ex>[ur]_{k_{d1}} & & *+[o][F]{x_2 }\ar@<.5ex>[ul]^{k_{d2}}
\caption{Two binding configurations}
\caption[Compartmental diagram of the effective rate constant model]{Compartmental diagram of the ERC model with concentration of analyte at the reaction chip's surface $C^*$, and concentrations of bound analyte $x_1(t)$ and $x_2(t)$.}
\captionof{subfigure}{Association phase}
\captionof{subfigure}{Dissociation phase}
\caption{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
%\captionof{figure}{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
{ | c | c | c | c | c | }
Parameter &$k_{a}$ & $k_{d}$ & $R$ & $C_T$ \\
&M$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$ &s$^{-1}$& pg nm$^{-2}$ & nM \\\hline
Value &6E-4 &7E-3 & 500 & 100 \\\hline
\captionof{table}{Values taken by parameters in Fig. \ref{fig:kc_varies} that are not varied}
或 )table
或 )subtable
% for \extrasrrowheight
*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@[d]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@[u]_{k_{d1}}
\caption{Single binding configuration}
&*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@[dl]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \ar@[dr]^{k_{a2}(R-x_1-x_2)} & \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@[ur]_{k_{d1}} & & *+[o][F]{x_2 }\ar@[ul]^{k_{d2}}
\caption{Two binding configurations}
\caption[Compartmental diagram of the effective rate constant model]{Compartmental diagram of the ERC model with concentration of analyte at the reaction chip's surface $C^*$, and concentrations of bound analyte $x_1(t)$ and $x_2(t)$.}
\subcaption{Association phase}
\subcaption{Dissociation phase}
\caption{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
%\captionof{figure}{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
{ | c | c | c | c | c | }
Parameter &$k_{a}$ & $k_{d}$ & $R$ & $C_T$ \\
&M$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$ &s$^{-1}$& pg nm$^{-2}$ & nM \\\hline
Value &6E-4 &7E-3 & 500 & 100 \\\hline
\captionof{table}{Values taken by parameters in Fig. \ref{fig:kc_varies} that are not varied}
% for \extrasrrowheight
*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@[d]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@[u]_{k_{d1}}
\caption{Single binding configuration}
&*+[o][F]{C^*} \ar@[dl]_{k_{a1}(R-x_1-x_2)} \ar@[dr]^{k_{a2}(R-x_1-x_2)} & \\
*+[o][F]{x_1 }\ar@[ur]_{k_{d1}} & & *+[o][F]{x_2 }\ar@[ul]^{k_{d2}}
\caption{Two binding configurations}
\caption[Compartmental diagram of the effective rate constant model]{Compartmental diagram of the ERC model with concentration of analyte at the reaction chip's surface $C^*$, and concentrations of bound analyte $x_1(t)$ and $x_2(t)$.}
\caption{Association phase}
\caption{Dissociation phase}
\caption{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
%\captionof{figure}{Graphs of bound antibody $x_1$ against time $t$ for the Langmuir single configuration model (green dashed line) and the ERC model for different values of $k_m$.}
{ | c | c | c | c | c | }
Parameter &$k_{a}$ & $k_{d}$ & $R$ & $C_T$ \\
&M$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$ &s$^{-1}$& pg nm$^{-2}$ & nM \\\hline
Value &6E-4 &7E-3 & 500 & 100 \\\hline
\captionof{table}{Values taken by parameters in Fig. \ref{fig:kc_varies} that are not varied}