我目前正在研究我的参考书目模板。我对目前的结果非常满意 - 只有一件事让我感到不安:
\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp, % How should the citation look like in the text?
natbib=true, % Supports numeric and author-year citation schemes, incorporating
% sorting and compression code found in the cite package.
maxcitenames=2, % How many names before et al.
doi=true, % Show DOI
isbn=false, % Show ISBN
url=false % Show URL
\renewcommand*{\nameyeardelim}{\addspace} %removes the comma before the year in citations
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}}} % et al. with only a half space
% Print authors bold in bibliography
\DeclareNameFormat{family-given-bold}{\mkbibbold{% family name - given (first) name - bold(new)
\ifgiveninits %long first name if \namepartgiven and short first name when \namepartgiveni below
% Print 'Vol. ' in front of volume number
\renewbibmacro*{journal+issuetitle}{\usebibmacro{journal}\addcomma\space Vol. \usebibmacro{volume+number+eid}}
% Do not print locations and years, but publisher in a new line
\renewbibmacro*{publisher+location+date}{\newline Pub.:\printlist{publisher}}
% Do not print months
\AtEveryBibitem{\clearfield{month}} %
\AtEveryCitekey{\clearfield{month}\renewcommand*\finalnamedelim{\,\&\,}} % also changes 'and' to '&' in citations
% New line after authors in bibliography
% Remove the dot after the (year) in bibliography
% Prevent journal & book title to be italic font
% New line after title
% DOI in a seperate line
{\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}} % makes the DOI clickable with a hyper ref
% More space between entrys in bibliography
% No page break within a bibliography entry
author = {Author11 and Author12 and Author13},
editor = {Editor1},
title = {Title1},
booktitle = {Booktitle1},
volume = {493},number = {11},
year = {2017},
pages = {50--67},
doi = {10.1001/00000000001},
publisher = {Publisher1}}
hi world! \cite{inColl}
Author11, Author12, Author13 (2017) "Title"
In : Booktitle, Ed. by Editor, Vol. 493. 11
Pub.: Publisher, pp. 123-456
DOI: 10.1001/00000000001
Author11, Author12, Author13 (2017) "Title"
In : Booktitle, Vol. 493. 11, pp. 123-456
Pub.: Publisher, Ed. by Editor,
DOI: 10.1001/00000000001
多谢 :)
参考书目中元素顺序的重大变化通常需要更改参考书目驱动程序。较小的更改有时可以通过重新定义 bibmacros 或修补驱动程序来实现,但您所追求的更改太大,以至于复制整个驱动程序并重新排列宏调用是有意义的。您可以在standard.bbx
(例如,请参阅)中找到宏的原始定义这里) 并可以比较变化(仅移动了几个宏调用)。
在 MWE 中,我只展示了@incollection
\usepackage[style=authoryear-comp, % How should the citation look like in the text?
natbib=true, % Supports numeric and author-year citation schemes, incorporating
% sorting and compression code found in the cite package.
maxcitenames=2, % How many names before et al.
doi=true, % Show DOI
isbn=false, % Show ISBN
url=false, % Show URL
\DeclareDelimFormat{nameyeardelim}{\addspace} %removes the comma before the year in citations
\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}}} % et al. with only a half space
% Print authors bold in bibliography
\DeclareNameFormat{family-given-bold}{\mkbibbold{% family name - given (first) name - bold(new)
\ifgiveninits %long first name if \namepartgiven and short first name when \namepartgiveni below
% Print 'Vol. ' in front of volume number
\setunit*{\addcomma\space}% was: \setunit*{\addspace}
\setunit{\addcomma\space}}% was: \setunit{\addspace}
% Do not print locations and years, but publisher in a new line
\renewbibmacro*{publisher+location+date}{\newline Pub.:\printlist{publisher}}
% Do not print months
% Prevent journal & book title to be italic font
% New line after title
% DOI in a seperate line
{\href{http://dx.doi.org/#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}} % makes the DOI clickable with a hyper ref
% More space between entrys in bibliography
% No page break within a bibliography entry
author = {Author11 and Author12 and Author13},
editor = {Editor1},
title = {Title1},
booktitle = {Booktitle1},
volume = {493},number = {11},
year = {2017},
pages = {50--67},
doi = {10.1001/00000000001},
publisher = {Publisher1}}
hi world! \cite{inColl}