我想在 TikZ 中使用单个 \path 或 \draw 命令来生成表示自行车链轮轮廓的封闭路径。如果链轮有 n 个齿,则路径将由 2n 个连接的圆弧段组成,这些圆弧段具有适当的中心和方向。我使用几行代码来计算圆弧半径,指定它们的中心应放在哪里,并确定它们的起始和终止角度。根据相关的 stackexchange 问题,我编写了一个带有六个输入参数的单个 \def 宏 \centerarc,以精确指定每个圆弧段的绘制位置,并且此宏在返回之前执行 arc() 命令来定义圆弧段。
此宏与其他 \centerarc 宏示例的主要区别在于此宏不包含 \draw 命令。相反,单个 \draw 命令会调用此宏 2n 次,每次调用都以“to”分隔,以连接相邻的段,而这正是我遇到问题的地方。图像结果符合我的预期,但存在大量 pgf 错误,因为 \centerarc 的输入参数与基本 \plot 和 \draw 规范不兼容。(我使用 BaKoMa TeX Word 作为编辑器。)为了消除错误消息,看来我必须更改 \centerarc 的输入参数的设置方式,或者找到一种方法来指示 pgf 忽略输入,因为 \draw 无论如何都不会使用它们。
第二个问题我还没有完全探究,那就是如何在 \draw 命令中插入 foreach 或 for 循环,以避免像所附示例代码中那样多次复制 \centerarc 宏。或者也许有一种更简单的方法可以将 2n 个简单的 \draw 命令的结果合并为一个封闭路径。
% #1 = x coordinate of arc-circle center before rotation into place
% #2 = y coordinate of arc-circle center before rotation into place
% $3 = angle to rotate arc-circle into place about origin (degrees)
% #4 = local start of arc angle before rotation (degrees)
% #5 = local end of arc angle before rotation (degrees)
% #6 = arc-circle radius
\tikzmath{% Some math to define and position the 2*\n arc segments
\n = 20; % number of sprocket teeth
\Tp = 360/\n; % angle between teeth in degrees
\lp = 4; % length of chain link (true length = 1/2 inch)
\rp = \lp/(2*sin(\Tp/2)); % sprocket pitch radius
\rr = 0.3*\lp; % link roller radius
\Tpo = acos(\rr/(2*\rp)); % half-angle of tooth-pocket arc
\rt = 0.8*\lp; % tooth-tip radius
\Tt = \Tp/2 - 2*asin(\rr/(2*\rp));
\x = \rp*sin(\Tt);
\Tte = asin(\x/\rt); % half-angle of tooth-tip arc
\A = cos(\Tt) - (\rt/\rp)*cos(\Tte);% locates center of tooth-tip arc
\Tpc = 0.5*\Tp; % half angle between adjacent teeth
% For illustration purposes this single \draw command generates
% a pie-slice of the sprocket. I have yet to figure out
% how to use a foreach or for loop to generate the sprocket with
% only two calls to \centerarc. Any suggestions on incorporating
% a foreach or for loop into \draw are welcome, but that is
% not the main topic of this question.
\draw[fill, color = gray!30]
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:0)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
\centerarc(\rp:0:\Tpc)(180+\Tpo:180-\Tpo:\rr) to
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:\Tp)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
\centerarc(\rp:0:3*\Tpc)(180+\Tpo:180-\Tpo:\rr) to
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:2*\Tp)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
%#1 = x-position of sprocket center.
%#2 = y-position of sprocket center.
%#3 = sprocket rotation angle.
%#4 = number of sprocket teeth.
\tikzmath{%Some math to define and position the 2*\n arc segments
\n = #4;
\m = \n-1;
\s = 360/\n;
\Tp = 360/\n;
\lp = 0.5in;
\rp = \lp/(2*sin(\Tp/2));
\rr = 0.3*\lp;
\rc = \rp+\rr;
\Tpo = acos(\rr/(2*\rp));
\rt = 0.8*\lp;
\Tt = \Tp/2 - 2*asin(\rr/(2*\rp));
\x = \rp*sin(\Tt);
\Tte = asin(\x/\rt);
\A = cos(\Tt) - (\rt/\rp)*cos(\Tte);
\Ttc = 0.0;
\Tpc = 0.5*\Tp;
\xsl = \A*\rp+cos(\Tte)*(1-\A)*\rp;
\ysl = -sin(\Tte)*(1-\A)*\rp;
\xs = #1+cos(#3)*\xsl-sin(#3)*\ysl;
\ys = #2+sin(#3)*\xsl+cos(#3)*\ysl;
\fill[gray!50] (\xs,\ys)
foreach \i in {0,...,\m}
-- cycle;
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm, y=1mm, scale=.1]
在我看来,这与 tikzmath 无关,这只是一个扩展问题,可以用通常的方式修复。另一种方法是修改 Ti 的解析器钾Z,我不想讨论这个,也不想玩插入路径之类的。但是,这有效:
% #1 = x coordinate of arc-circle center before rotation into place
% #2 = y coordinate of arc-circle center before rotation into place
% $3 = angle to rotate arc-circle into place about origin (degrees)
% #4 = local start of arc angle before rotation (degrees)
% #5 = local end of arc angle before rotation (degrees)
% #6 = arc-circle radius
\tikzmath{% Some math to define and position the 2*\n arc segments
\n = 20; % number of sprocket teeth
\Tp = 360/\n; % angle between teeth in degrees
\lp = 4; % length of chain link (true length = 1/2 inch)
\rp = \lp/(2*sin(\Tp/2)); % sprocket pitch radius
\rr = 0.3*\lp; % link roller radius
\Tpo = acos(\rr/(2*\rp)); % half-angle of tooth-pocket arc
\rt = 0.8*\lp; % tooth-tip radius
\Tt = \Tp/2 - 2*asin(\rr/(2*\rp));
\x = \rp*sin(\Tt);
\Tte = asin(\x/\rt); % half-angle of tooth-tip arc
\A = cos(\Tt) - (\rt/\rp)*cos(\Tte);% locates center of tooth-tip arc
\Tpc = 0.5*\Tp; % half angle between adjacent teeth
% For illustration purposes this single \draw command generates
% a pie-slice of the sprocket. I have yet to figure out
% how to use a foreach or for loop to generate the sprocket with
% only two calls to \centerarc. Any suggestions on incorporating
% a foreach or for loop into \draw are welcome, but that is
% not the main topic of this question.
\edef\temp{\noexpand\draw[fill, color = gray!30]
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:0)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
\centerarc(\rp:0:\Tpc)(180+\Tpo:180-\Tpo:\rr) to
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:\Tp)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
\centerarc(\rp:0:3*\Tpc)(180+\Tpo:180-\Tpo:\rr) to
\centerarc(\A*\rp:0:2*\Tp)(-\Tte:\Tte:\rt) to
\fill[gray!50] (10,0) foreach \X in {0,...,35} {--(10*\X:10) arc(10*\X:10*\X+5:10)
arc(10*\X+96+180:10*\X+97:0.42) } -- cycle ;