使用最新的 TeXLive 生成​​最小有效的 PDF/X-1A 文档

使用最新的 TeXLive 生成​​最小有效的 PDF/X-1A 文档

我正在尝试生成有效的 PDF/X1-A 文档。我想从通过 PDF 验证的最简单的文档开始。这是我目前拥有的,以及 PDFBox 报告的当前错误集preflight-app-1.8.16.jar

我也尝试过重复使用此主题但我遇到了大多数相同的错误。也许自 2015 年左右以来有些事情发生了变化?






Hello, world!



\Title        {Minimal Example}
\Author       {Me, myself and I}
\Copyright    {Copyright \copyright\ 2018 "Me, myself and I, inc."}
\Keywords     {minimal\sep
\Subject      {A minimal example of a valid PDF/X-1A document.}

使用(版本 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18)进行编译后pdflatex,输出preflight

The fileminimal.pdf is not valid, error(s) :
2.1.3 : Invalid Graphis object, The S entry of the OutputIntent isn't GTS_PDFA1
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "K" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.3 : Invalid Color space, The operator "g" can't be used without Color Profile
2.4.3 : Invalid Color space, The operator "G" can't be used without Color Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "k" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "K" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "k" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "K" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "k" can't be used with RGB Profile
2.4.2 : Invalid Color space, The operator "K" can't be used with RGB Profile
7.11 : Error on MetaData, PDF/A identification schema http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/ is missing
