



以下是一个例子 在此处输入图片描述






\author{Sandro Botticelli}


\includegraphics[scale = 0.8]{Venus}
    \caption{Nascita di Venere}

\only<1>{In the centre the newly-born goddess Venus stands nude in a giant scallop shell. Its size is purely imaginary, and is also found in classical depictions of the subject. } 

\only<2>{Alternative identifications for the two secondary female figures involve those also found in the Primavera; the nymph held by Zephyr may be Chloris, a flower nymph he married in some versions of her story, and the figure on land may be Flora. Flora is generally the Roman equivalent of the Greek Chloris; in the Primavera Chloris is transformed into the figure of Flora next to her, following Ovid's Fasti, but it is hard to see that such a transformation is envisaged here.}



正如@marmot 在他的评论中所建议的那样,\begin{frame}[t]我会这样做。我认为你无论如何都应该使用环境overprint。当你的图片不在顶部时也可以工作。

来自 beameruserguide:


为了解决这个问题,你可以使用两个环境:overlayarea 和 overprint。第一个更灵活,但不太人性化。

 \begin{overlayarea}{⟨area width⟩}{⟨area height⟩}
 ⟨environment contents⟩



\only<1>{Some text for the first slide.\\Possibly several lines long.}
\only<2>{Replacement on the second slide.}
\begin{overprint}[⟨area width⟩]
 ⟨environment contents⟩


这是您的 MWEoverprint


\author{Sandro Botticelli}


\includegraphics[scale = 0.8]{Venus}
    \caption{Nascita di Venere}

    \onslide<1>{In the centre the newly-born goddess Venus stands nude in a giant scallop shell. Its size is purely imaginary, and is also found in classical depictions of the subject. } 
    \onslide<2>{Alternative identifications for the two secondary female figures involve those also found in the Primavera; the nymph held by Zephyr may be Chloris, a flower nymph he married in some versions of her story, and the figure on land may be Flora. Flora is generally the Roman equivalent of the Greek Chloris; in the Primavera Chloris is transformed into the figure of Flora next to her, following Ovid's Fasti, but it is hard to see that such a transformation is envisaged here.}

