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\vspace*{-40pt} %<----To adjust the vertical position of Header 0.47\paperwidth
\arrayrulecolor{lightgray} % choose color
\midrule[0.045in] \par
I will be thankful for your kind consideration.
Sincerely and Kind Regards,\newline
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\usepackage[hmargin=0.8in, top=0.8in, bottom=0.7in, headsep=0.1in, showframe]{geometry}
\arrayrulecolor{lightgray} % choose color
\midrule[0.045in] \\
I will be thankful for your kind consideration.
Sincerely and Kind Regards,\newline
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx, colortbl, xcolor}
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % <-----To change the thickness of header
\vspace*{-40pt} %<----To adjust the vertical position of Header 0.47\paperwidth
\begin{adjustwidth}{-0.9in}{-0.1in}% adjust the L and R margins by 1 inch
\arrayrulecolor{lightgray} % choose color
\midrule[0.045in] \par
I will be thankful for your kind consideration.
Sincerely and Kind Regards,\newline