我正在使用 tikz 重现神经网络的 Matlab 图片。我需要重现的原始图形是这样的:
我在绘制节点内的 tanh 函数和线性函数时遇到困难。到目前为止,我尝试了两种方法:pgfplots 和 tikz 绘图函数,但我无法将绘图移动到矩形内。
[grid/.style={very thin,gray},
conn/.style={->,blue,very thick},
inp/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=red},
oup/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=blue},
int/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=gray},
int1/.style={opacity=.5, thick, black, fill=yellow},
line/.style={very thick}]
% input layer
\draw[inp,rounded corners] (-1, 2.5) rectangle (1, -3.8) {};
% scalar values (only internal circles)
\shade[ball color=green] (0,.5) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,0.5) node[scale=2]{2};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,1.7) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,1.7) node[scale=2]{1};
\draw (0,-0.4) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](a){};
\draw (0,-0.7) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](b){};
\draw (0,-1.0) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](c){};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,-1.8) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,-1.8) node[scale=2]{26};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,-3) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,-3) node[scale=2]{27};
%\draw [fill=bg_deepred](0,\y) circle (2.5mm);
% input layer
\draw[int,rounded corners] (3, 2) rectangle (8, -3) {};
\draw[int1] (3.5, 1.5) rectangle (5, 0) {};
\draw[int1] (3.5, -1) rectangle (5, -2.5) {};
\draw[int1] (6.0, 1.5) rectangle (7.5, -2.5) {};
% output layer
\draw[int,rounded corners] (10, 2) rectangle (15, -3) {};
\draw[int1] (10.5, 1.5) rectangle (12, 0) {};
\draw[int1] (10.5, -1) rectangle (12, -2.5) {};
\draw[int1] (13.0, 1.5) rectangle (14.5, -2.5) {};
%tikz version not working
\draw (5,5) plot[domain=-8:8] (\x,{1/(1 + exp(-\x))-0.5});
%pgfplots version not working
\addplot[blue,smooth] {tanh(x)};
这给了我以下使用 pgfplots 包提供的蓝色曲线和 tikzplot 包提供的黑色曲线。
[grid/.style={very thin,gray},
conn/.style={->,blue,very thick},
inp/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=red},
oup/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=blue},
int/.style={opacity=.5,very thick,black,fill=gray},
int1/.style={opacity=.5, thick, black, fill=yellow},
line/.style={very thick}]
% input layer
\draw[inp,rounded corners] (-1, 2.5) rectangle (1, -3.8) {};
% scalar values (only internal circles)
\shade[ball color=green] (0,.5) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,0.5) node[scale=2]{2};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,1.7) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,1.7) node[scale=2]{1};
\draw (0,-0.4) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](a){};
\draw (0,-0.7) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](b){};
\draw (0,-1.0) node[circle,fill,inner sep=1pt](c){};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,-1.8) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,-1.8) node[scale=2]{26};
\shade[ball color=green] (0,-3) circle (.5cm);
\draw (0,-3) node[scale=2]{27};
% input layer
\draw[int,rounded corners] (3, 2) rectangle (8, -3) {};
\draw[int1] (3.5, 1.5) rectangle (5, 0) {};
\draw[int1] (3.5, -1) rectangle (5, -2.5) {};
\draw[int1] (6.0, 1.5) rectangle (7.5, -2.5) {};
% output layer
\draw[int,rounded corners] (10, 2) rectangle (15, -3) {};
\draw[int1] (10.5, 1.5) rectangle (12, 0) {};
\draw[int1] (10.5, -1) rectangle (12, -2.5) {};
\draw[int1] (13.0, 1.5) rectangle (14.5, -2.5) {};
%tikz version working
\draw[gray!50,thick] (-8,0) -- (8,0);
\draw[gray!50,thick] (0,-1cm) -- (0,1cm);
\draw[thick] (0,0) plot[domain=-8:8] (\x,{1/(1 + exp(-\x))-0.5});
%tikz version working
\draw[gray!50,thick] (-8,0) -- (8,0);
\draw[gray!50,thick] (0,-1cm) -- (0,1cm);
\draw[thick] (-8,-1cm)--(8,1cm);
- 使用小图片
作为节点符号 - 不需要用绘图函数绘制符号,用
宏来近似就足够了 - 使用的是相对坐标
\documentclass[tikz,margin=3.141529mm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, backgrounds, calc, fit, positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ node distance = 4mm and 4mm, arr/.style = {semithick, -{Triangle[width=3pt,length=3pt]}, rounded corners}, box/.style = {draw, semithick, fill=yellow!40, minimum size=6mm, inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm}, circ/.style = {circle, draw,fill=white, inner sep=0.5mm, outer sep=0mm, node contents={}}, FIT/.style = {draw, fill=blue!20, rounded corners, inner sep=2mm, outer sep=0mm, fit=#1, node contents={}}, sum/.style = {circle, draw, fill=yellow!40, inner sep=0mm, outer sep=0mm, font=\large, node contents={+}}, lin/.pic = {\draw[very thin] (-0.4,0) -- ++ (0.8,0) (0,-0.5) -- ++ (0,1.0); \draw[semithick] (-0.4,-0.4) -- (0.4,0.4); }, sat/.pic = {\draw[very thin] (-0.4,0) -- ++ (0.8,0) (0,-0.5) -- ++ (0,1.0); \draw[semithick] (-0.4,-0.4) .. controls + (2mm,0mm) and + (-2mm,-4mm) .. (0,0) .. controls + (2mm,4mm) and + (-2mm, 0mm) .. (0.4,0.4); }, ] % hidden node \node (a1) [box] {$W$}; \node (a2) [box, below=of a1] {b}; \node (a3) [sum, right=of $(a1.east)!0.5!(a2.east)$]; \path let \p1 = ($(a1.north)-(a2.south)$), \n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in node (a4) [box, minimum height=\n1, right=of a3] {}; \pic[scale=0.5] at (a4.center) {sat}; \draw[arr] (a1) -| (a3); \draw[arr] (a3) edge (a4) (a2) -| (a3); \scoped[on background layer] \node (a5) [FIT=(a1) (a4)]; \node (a6) [circ,at=(a5.west |- a1)]; \draw[arr] (a6) -- (a1); % output node \begin{scope}[xshift=33mm] \node (b1) [box] {$W$}; \node (b2) [box, below = of b1] {b}; \node (b3) [sum, right=of $(b1.east)!0.5!(b2.east)$]; \path let \p1 = ($(b1.north)-(b2.south)$), \n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in node (b4) [box, minimum height=\n1, right=of b3] {}; \pic[scale=0.5] at (b4.center) {lin}; \draw[arr] (b1) -| (b3); \draw[arr] (b3) edge (b4) (b2) -| (b3); \scoped[on background layer] \node (b5) [FIT=(b1) (b4)]; \node (b6) [circ,at=(b5.west |- a1)]; \draw[arr] (b6) -- (b1); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}