

在此 MWE 中,已成功解析加载的表数据poles.dat,如左图所示。





    poles/.style= { only marks, mark=x, mark size = 1ex, thick},
    point meta = explicit symbolic,
    visualization depends on={\thisrow{angle} \as \myangle},
    visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
    Label Style/.style args = {#1}{
        nodes near coords,
        every node near coord/.style = %
            anchor=south, label={[#1]\myangle:{\mylabel}}

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   table {poles.dat};
        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   table {\mytable};



我在 pgfplots 源代码中发现了以下内容。

% The normal implementation of \thisrow is not accessable here. And the
% worst is: error messages are impossible either because they are
% not executed... we resort to the associated math functions:
\def\thisrow##1{thisrow("##1")}% let us hope that math parsing is active!




    poles/.style= { only marks, mark=x, mark size = 1ex, thick},
    point meta = explicit symbolic,
    visualization depends on={\thisrow{angle} \as \myangle},
    %visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
    Label Style/.style args = {#1}{
        nodes near coords,
        every node near coord/.style = %
            anchor=south, label={[#1]\myangle:{\pgfplotstablegetelem{\coordindex}{label}\of{\mytable}\pgfplotsretval}}

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   table {poles.dat};
        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   table {\mytable};





    poles/.style= { only marks, mark=x, mark size = 1ex, thick},
    point meta = explicit symbolic,
    visualization depends on={\thisrow{angle} \as \myangle},
    visualization depends on={value \thisrow{label} \as \mylabel},
    Label Style/.style args = {#1}{
        nodes near coords,
        every node near coord/.style = %
            anchor=south, label={[#1]\myangle:{\mylabel}}

% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/445369/121799
% based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/307032/121799
% and https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/451326/121799
\foreach \XX in {0,...,\colnumber}

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

    Re      Im      label       angle
    -2      2       (-2,2)      270
    -2      -2      (-2,-2)     90
    -4      0       (-4,0)      60

\foreach \X in {0,...,\colnum}%
\newwrite\myoutput% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/290058/121799
\immediate\write\myoutput{\tmp}% create table header
\foreach \X in {0,...,\rownum}% rows

        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   table {poles.dat};
        \addplot[Label Style={blue,fill = gray!20},poles]   
        table[col sep=comma] {\jobname-tmp.dat};


不用说,可以清理宏。在了解所有可能的应用之前,我犹豫着是否要这么做。一个是跳过行,这对于回归图很重要,另一个就像这里一样,人们使用 pgfplots 进行更复杂的注释。我想知道是否还有其他明显的用例。
