







    \caption{Criteria for risk classification of petrol filling stations according vicinity}

    \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \textbf{Yes/No} \\   \midrule


    \caption{Criteria for risk classification of petrol filling stations according vicinity (continuation)}\\

    \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \textbf{Yes/No} \\\midrule



    \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{\footnotesize continues on the next page}} \\ 

    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Classification of petrol filling station:}\\ 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\hfill \small{0} \lsquare \hfill \small{1} \lsquare \hfill \small{2} \lsquare \hfill \small{3} \lcheck}\\



\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 0} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

There are none of the worsening factors of the following classes & \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 1} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

Rainwater drainage network & \lcheck \\
Underground service network (water, sewage, telephone, electricity, etc.) & \lcheck \\
Septic tank in urban areas & \lsquare \\
Multi-family building with four floors & \lsquare \\
Asylum & \lsquare \\
Nursery & \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 2} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}
Multifamily building with more than four floors & \lsquare \\
Slum in elevation equal to or greater than the rank & \lsquare \\
Commercial office building with four or more floors & \lsquare \\
Well of water, artesian or not for domestic consumption & \lsquare \\
House of shows or temple & \lsquare \\
School & \lsquare \\
Hospital &  \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 3} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

Slum in lower quota than the petrol fuel station & \lsquare \\
Subway at lower level than the ground & \lsquare \\
Residential or commercial building built on a plot below ground & \lsquare \\
Tunnel below ground level & \lsquare \\
Residential, commercial or industrial building built in lower ground level & \lsquare \\
Industrial activities and risk operations  & \lsquare \\
Subsoil water used to elevate the city's perimeter & \lcheck \\

\multicolumn{1}{p{13cm}}{\hspace{0.7cm} Superficial natural bodies of water to:} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\

\hspace{0.5cm} Domestic Supply & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Aquatic Community Protection & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Contact Recreation (swimming, water skiing and diving) & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Irrigation & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Natural and intensive food production for human (National Environment Council (NEC) 20/2010) & \lsquare \\











    \caption{Criteria for risk classification of petrol filling stations according vicinity}

    \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \textbf{Yes/No} \\   \midrule


    \caption{Criteria for risk classification of petrol filling stations according vicinity (continuation)}\\

    \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \textbf{Yes/No} \\\midrule



    \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{\footnotesize continues on the next page}} \\ 

    \multicolumn{2}{l}{Classification of petrol filling station:}\\ 
    \multicolumn{2}{l}{\hfill \small{0} \lsquare \hfill \small{1} \lsquare \hfill \small{2} \lsquare \hfill \small{3} \lcheck}\\



\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 0} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

There are none of the worsening factors of the following classes & \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 1} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

Rainwater drainage network & \lcheck \\
Underground service network (water, sewage, telephone, electricity, etc.) & \lcheck \\
Septic tank in urban areas & \lsquare \\
Multi-family building with four floors & \lsquare \\
Asylum & \lsquare \\
Nursery & \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 2} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}
Multifamily building with more than four floors & \lsquare \\
Slum in elevation equal to or greater than the rank & \lsquare \\
Commercial office building with four or more floors & \lsquare \\
Well of water, artesian or not for domestic consumption & \lsquare \\
House of shows or temple & \lsquare \\
School & \lsquare \\
Hospital &  \lsquare \\

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Class 3} \\\cmidrule(r{9cm}){1-1}

Slum in lower quota than the petrol fuel station & \lsquare \\
Subway at lower level than the ground & \lsquare \\
Residential or commercial building built on a plot below ground & \lsquare \\
Tunnel below ground level & \lsquare \\
Residential, commercial or industrial building built in lower ground level & \lsquare \\
Industrial activities and risk operations  & \lsquare \\
Subsoil water used to elevate the city's perimeter & \lcheck \\

\multicolumn{1}{p{13cm}}{\hspace{0.7cm} Superficial natural bodies of water to:} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} \\

\hspace{0.5cm} Domestic Supply & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Aquatic Community Protection & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Contact Recreation (swimming, water skiing and diving) & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Irrigation & \lsquare \\
\hspace{0.5cm} Natural and intensive food production for human (National Environment Council (NEC) 20/2010) & \lsquare \\

