

我尝试编译一篇文章,其源代码可供下载,使用 tex4ebook 将其转换为电子书。经过一些简单的修改:

--- ../formal.orig.tex  2018-11-23 17:05:07.032134691 +0100
+++ formal.tex  2018-11-23 17:06:05.760497686 +0100
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@


安装字体(我感到非常抱歉,这个 tex 文件使用了很多非常古老的东西,通常在现代 tex 套件中不再可用),来自https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/lamstex/tfm?lang=enhttp://jardine.math.uwo.ca/lams/

我成功地用 pdflatex 编译了它。然而,当我使用 tex4ebook 编译它时,配置文件从邮报我删除了选项 pic-m 以减小电子书文件的大小,但在运行 dvisvgm 时遇到了错误

DVI 错误:页面末尾的堆栈不为空


--- warning --- Couldn't find font `lams4.htf' (char codes: 0--122)
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--- warning --- Page break within a ch map/picture
--- warning --- Improper groups in \special{t4ht+}... idv[276]
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--- warning --- Improper groups in \special{t4ht+}... idv[1238]

如果不引入 pic-m 来大幅放大电子书文件,我不知道如何正确修复此问题。感谢您的建议。

更新: 我有一个新的测试用例。源代码可以在以下网址下载:https://arxiv.org/format/1707.01799

为了传递给 tex4ebook,我做了一些修改(由 diff 生成):

< \usepackage{bibgerm}               % Deutsches BibTex
> %\usepackage{bibgerm}              % Deutsches BibTex
< is given by sending $X\in G\Sp^O$ to the orthogonal $G/H$-spectrum $\Phi^H_\mathcal U X$ whose $n$-th term is given by
> is given by sending $X\in G\Sp^O$ to the orthogonal $G/H$-spectrum $\Phi^H_{\mathcal U} X$ whose $n$-th term is given by
< \item Let $X\in \Cyc$ be a genuine cyclotomic spectrum whose underlying spectrum is bounded below. Then there is an equivalence of spectra $\TC^\mathrm{gen}(X)\simeq \TC(X)$.
< \item Let $X \in \Cyc_p$ be a genuine $p$-cyclotomic spectrum whose underlying spectrum is bounded below. Then there is an equivalence of spectra $\TC^\mathrm{gen}(X,p) \simeq \TC(X,p)$.
> \item Let $X\in \Cyc$ be a genuine cyclotomic spectrum whose underlying spectrum is bounded below. Then there is an equivalence of spectra $\TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X)\simeq \TC(X)$.
> \item Let $X \in \Cyc_p$ be a genuine $p$-cyclotomic spectrum whose underlying spectrum is bounded below. Then there is an equivalence of spectra $\TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X,p) \simeq \TC(X,p)$.
< \TC^\mathrm{gen}(X)\simeq \TC(X)\ .
> \TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X)\simeq \TC(X)\ .
< We recall the  definition of $\TC^\mathrm{gen}(X)$ in Definition \ref{def:TCpgen}  and diagram \eqref{tcgen} below.
> We recall the  definition of $\TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X)$ in Definition \ref{def:TCpgen}  and diagram \eqref{tcgen} below.
< Now let $X$ be a genuine $p$-cyclotomic spectrum in the sense of Definition~\ref{def:genuinepcyclo}. Let us recall the definition of $\TC^\mathrm{gen}(X,p)$ by B\"okstedt--Hsiang--Madsen, \cite{BHM}. First, $X$ has genuine $C_{p^n}$-fixed points $X^{C_{p^n}}$ for all $n\geq 0$, and there are maps $F: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ for $n\geq 1$ which are the inclusion of fixed points. Moreover, for all $n\geq 1$ there are maps $R: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$, and the maps $R$ and $F$ commute (coherently). The maps $R: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ arise as the composition of the map $X^{C_{p^n}}\to (\Phi^{C_p} X)^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ that exists for any genuine $C_{p^n}$-equivariant spectrum, and the equivalence $(\Phi^{C_p} X)^{C_{p^{n-1}}}\simeq X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ which comes from the genuine cyclotomic structure on $X$.
> Now let $X$ be a genuine $p$-cyclotomic spectrum in the sense of Definition~\ref{def:genuinepcyclo}. Let us recall the definition of $\TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X,p)$ by B\"okstedt--Hsiang--Madsen, \cite{BHM}. First, $X$ has genuine $C_{p^n}$-fixed points $X^{C_{p^n}}$ for all $n\geq 0$, and there are maps $F: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ for $n\geq 1$ which are the inclusion of fixed points. Moreover, for all $n\geq 1$ there are maps $R: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$, and the maps $R$ and $F$ commute (coherently). The maps $R: X^{C_{p^n}}\to X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ arise as the composition of the map $X^{C_{p^n}}\to (\Phi^{C_p} X)^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ that exists for any genuine $C_{p^n}$-equivariant spectrum, and the equivalence $(\Phi^{C_p} X)^{C_{p^{n-1}}}\simeq X^{C_{p^{n-1}}}$ which comes from the genuine cyclotomic structure on $X$.
< These structures determine $\TC^\mathrm{gen}(X,p)$ as follows.
> These structures determine $\TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X,p)$ as follows.
< \TC^\mathrm{gen}(X,p) & := \mathrm{Eq}\left( \xymatrix{\TR(X,p) \ar^-{\mathrm{id}}[r]<2pt> \ar_-F[r]<-2pt> & \TR(X,p) }\right)\\ 
> \TC^{\mathrm{gen}}(X,p)
> & := \mathrm{Eq}\left( \xymatrix{\TR(X,p) \ar^-{\mathrm{id}}[r]<2pt> \ar_-F[r]<-2pt> & \TR(X,p) }\right)\\ 
< \newcommand{\Prl}{\mathcal{P}\mathrm{r}^\mathrm{L}}
> \newcommand{\Prl}{\mathcal{P}\mathrm{r}^{\mathrm{L}}}
< \begin{altenumerate} $ $
< \item
< For every  compact space $X$ the Tate valued Frobenius (or rather its refinement as in Corollary \ref{refinement}) of $\KU^X$ is given on $\pi_{0}$ by 
> \begin{altenumerate}
> \item For every  compact space $X$ the Tate valued Frobenius (or rather its refinement as in Corollary \ref{refinement}) of $\KU^X$ is given on $\pi_{0}$ by 
< \item
< Under the identification \eqref{identification}, the Frobenius
> \item Under the identification \eqref{identification}, the Frobenius
< \item The cyclic bar construction $\B^\mathrm{cyc}M$ admits a canonical $\T$-action and a canonical $\T$-equivariant map
> \item The cyclic bar construction $\B^{\mathrm{cyc}}M$ admits a canonical $\T$-action and a canonical $\T$-equivariant map
< \psi_p: \B^\mathrm{cyc}M \to (\B^\mathrm{cyc}M)^{hC_p}
> \psi_p: \B^{\mathrm{cyc}}M \to (\B^{\mathrm{cyc}}M)^{hC_p}
< M \ar[d]^{\Delta}\ar[r]^{i} &   \B^\mathrm{cyc}M\ar[d]^{\psi_p}  \\
< (M \times \ldots \times M)^{hC_p} \ar[r] &  \B^\mathrm{cyc}M^{hC_p}
> M \ar[d]^{\Delta}\ar[r]^{i} &   \B^{\mathrm{cyc}}M\ar[d]^{\psi_p}  \\
> (M \times \ldots \times M)^{hC_p} \ar[r] &  \B^{\mathrm{cyc}}M^{hC_p}
< The upper map is given by the canonical inclusion, since in the equivalence $\B^\mathrm{cyc} \Omega Y \simeq LY$ this corresponds to the inclusion of the bottom cell of the simplicial diagram $\B^\mathrm{cyc} \Omega_\bullet Y$. The lower line is also equivalent to the inclusion $\Omega Y \to LY$ under the obvious identifications, as one sees similarly. Under these identifications the left hand map corresponds to the identity map $\Omega Y \to \Omega Y$. As a result the map $LY \to LY^{hC_p} = LY$ cannot be the trivial map which sends every map to the constant map. Thus it has to be equivalent to the identity which finishes to proof.  
> The upper map is given by the canonical inclusion, since in the equivalence $\B^{\mathrm{cyc}} \Omega Y \simeq LY$ this corresponds to the inclusion of the bottom cell of the simplicial diagram $\B^{\mathrm{cyc}} \Omega_\bullet Y$. The lower line is also equivalent to the inclusion $\Omega Y \to LY$ under the obvious identifications, as one sees similarly. Under these identifications the left hand map corresponds to the identity map $\Omega Y \to \Omega Y$. As a result the map $LY \to LY^{hC_p} = LY$ cannot be the trivial map which sends every map to the constant map. Thus it has to be equivalent to the identity which finishes to proof.  
< \end{document}
\ No newline at end of file
> \end{document}



\newcommand\:temp#1#2{\a:xrightarrow \o:xrightarrow:{#1}\b:xrightarrow}

这似乎有点难以理解,所以我将对其进行解释。该\NewConfigure{xrightarrow}{2}命令定义了两个可配置的钩子,分别名为\a:xrightarrow\b:xrightarrow\HLet与类似\let,但除了在第一个参数中重新定义命令之外,它还在命令中保存其原始形式\o:xrightarrow。所有这些命令都在第一个命令中使用,两个钩子用于在原始命令结果周围插入 HTML 代码。在默认配置中,它们用于图像转换的请求。有一个问题 - 该命令声明了两个参数,但只使用了一个。这导致第二个参数被丢弃。这导致了该Stack not empty消息。事实上,原始命令\xrightarrow使用可选参数,因此重新定义的命令的正确形式完全不同:

 \newcommand\:temp:xrightarrow[2][]{\a:xrightarrow {\o:xrightarrow:[#1]{#2}}\b:xrightarrow}

我已将修复程序发布到 tex4ht 源,因此应该很快就会更新。与此同时,以下是 的修复版本amsmath.4ht

% amsmath.4ht (2019-01-24-20:48), generated from tex4ht-4ht.tex
% Copyright 1997-2009 Eitan M. Gurari
% Copyright 2009-2019 TeX Users Group
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any
% later version. The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions
% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% The Current Maintainer of this work
% is the TeX4ht Project <http://tug.org/tex4ht>.
% If you modify this program, changing the
% version identification would be appreciated.
\immediate\write-1{version 2019-01-24-20:48}


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