lstlisting 中的行号连续,但 lsttableoflistings 条目单独?

lstlisting 中的行号连续,但 lsttableoflistings 条目单独?






\begin{lstlisting}[name=test,label=first,caption=First Listing]
this should start at line number 1
and should be the first entry in the List of Listings

Listing~\ref{first} shows up correctly in the List of Listings.

\begin{lstlisting}[name=test,label=second,caption=Second Listing]
this continues line numbers from the previous listing
but does not get an entry in the List of Listings

Listing~\ref{second} continues the line numbering, and has its own listing number
that can be referenced, but does not receive an entry in the list of Listings.

% parameter "name=test" is removed here..
\begin{lstlisting}[label=third,caption=Third Listing]
this restarts the line numbers from line 1
but does get a second entry in the List of Listings

Listing~\ref{third} also has its own listing number that can be referenced, and
does get an entry in the List of Listings, but does not continue line numbers.





通过这个marcro厚颜无耻Yiannis Lazarides's的回答,你可以得到所谓的稳健性。也就是说,通过不同的命名,你不仅可以继续行号,还可以获得listings它们出现的列表。



%%% Always I forget this so I created some aliases



    \begin{bash}[name=test,label=first,caption=First Listing]
    this should start at line number 1
    and should be the first entry in the List of Listings

    Listing~\ref{first} shows up correctly in the List of Listings.

    \begin{bash}[name=test5,label=second,caption=Second Listing]
    this continues line numbers from the previous listing
    but does not get an entry in the List of Listings

No more problems :)

    % parameter "name=test" is removed here..
    \begin{bash}[name=test77, label=third,caption=Third Listing]
    this no more restarts the line numbers from line 1
    but does continue in the List of Listings

    The macro does the job.


