


为了获得 hangindent,我需要发出一个\customnewline命令来重复 hangindent(参见左列和右列之间的区别)。


注意:这是一个相当大的表,我使用它来创建Excel 转 LaTeX,所以我想尽可能少地做更改...这就是我改变列类型的原因。




% define new column type
\newcolumntype{Y}[1]{>{\small \hangindent=1em \raggedright \let\newline\\\arraybackslash}p{#1}}

% define newline to use hangindent on new line
\newcommand{\customnewline}{\newline \hangindent=1em}


    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{customnewline}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{normal newline}} \\
    A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent \customnewline And there some more text in the same cell that I want to hangindent as well & A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent \newline And there some more text in the same cell that I want to hangindent as well \\
    A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent \customnewline And there some more text in the same cell that I want to hangindent as well & A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent \newline And there some more text in the same cell that I want to hangindent as well \\


表 MVCE 示例






% define new column type


% define newline to use hangindent on new line


\multicolumn{1}{c}{Ragged right} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Justified} \\
A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent

And there some more text in the same cell that I want to 
hangindent as well
A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent

And there some more text in the same cell that I want to 
hangindent as well
A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent

And there some more text in the same cell that I want to 
hangindent as well
A lot of text that I want to justify and hangindent

And there some more text in the same cell that I want to 
hangindent as well


