\begin{axis}[grid=both, axis equal=false, ymin=-1, ymax=6, xmin=-30, xmax=30,
minor tick num=1,axis lines = middle,
label style={font=\small,at={(ticklabel cs:1.1)}},
tick label style={font=\footnotesize}]
\addplot [thick,dashed,samples=50, domain=-30:0,name path=p1] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,samples=50, domain=0:30,name path=p2] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,dashed,name path=p3] coordinates {(-25,5) (25,5)};
\path [name path=left, intersection segments={of=p1 and p3,sequence=L2 -- R1}];
\path [name path=right, intersection segments={of=p2 and p3,sequence=L1 -- R2}];
\addplot [pattern=north east lines,pattern color=blue,opacity=.8] fill between [
of=left and right,reverse=false];
\draw [fill=gray,opacity=.5] (0,3.5) ellipse [x radius=12.25, y radius=.1];
\addplot+ [only marks,mark=*] coordinates { (-25,5) (25,5)}
node [pos=0,above right] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$B=(-25,5)$}}
node [pos=1,above left] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$A=(25,5)$}};
\node [right] at (11,3) {$r=x=y^2$};
非常感谢 Sigur 向我解释这个问题!问题是路径没有适当的方向。所以我不得不重新排序序列并反转一个序列才能得到
\begin{axis}[grid=both, axis equal=false, ymin=-1, ymax=6, xmin=-30, xmax=30,
minor tick num=1,axis lines = middle,
label style={font=\small,at={(ticklabel cs:1.1)}},
tick label style={font=\footnotesize}]
\addplot [thick,dashed,samples=50, domain=-30:0,name path=p1] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,samples=50, domain=0:30,name path=p2] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,dashed,name path=p3] coordinates {(-25,5) (25,5)};
\path [name path=left, intersection segments={of=p1 and p3,sequence={R1[reverse] -- L2}}];
\path [name path=right,
intersection segments={of=p2 and p3,sequence={L1 -- R2}}];
\addplot [pattern=north east lines,pattern color=blue,opacity=.8] fill between [
of=left and right,reverse=false];
\draw [fill=gray,opacity=.5] (0,3.5) ellipse [x radius=12.25, y radius=.1];
\addplot+ [only marks,mark=*] coordinates { (-25,5) (25,5)}
node [pos=0,above right] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$B=(-25,5)$}}
node [pos=1,above left] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$A=(25,5)$}};
\node [right] at (11,3) {$r=x=y^2$};
\begin{axis}[grid=both, axis equal=false, ymin=-1, ymax=6, xmin=-30, xmax=30,
minor tick num=1,axis lines = middle,
label style={font=\small,at={(ticklabel cs:1.1)}},
tick label style={font=\footnotesize}]
\addplot [thick,dashed,samples=50, domain=-30:0,name path=p1] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,samples=50, domain=0:30,name path=p2] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,dashed,name path=p3] coordinates {(-25,5) (25,5)};
\path [name path=left, thick,draw=blue,-latex,
intersection segments={of=p1 and p3,sequence=L2 -- R1}];
\path [name path=right, thick,draw=red,-latex,
intersection segments={of=p2 and p3,sequence=L1 -- R2}];
\addplot [pattern=north east lines,pattern color=blue,opacity=.8] fill between [
of=left and right,reverse=false];
\draw [fill=gray,opacity=.5] (0,3.5) ellipse [x radius=12.25, y radius=.1];
\addplot+ [only marks,mark=*] coordinates { (-25,5) (25,5)}
node [pos=0,above right] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$B=(-25,5)$}}
node [pos=1,above left] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$A=(25,5)$}};
\node [right] at (11,3) {$r=x=y^2$};
\begin{axis}[grid=both, axis equal=false, ymin=-1, ymax=6, xmin=-30, xmax=30,
minor tick num=1,axis lines = middle,
label style={font=\small,at={(ticklabel cs:1.1)}},
tick label style={font=\footnotesize}]
\addplot [thick,dashed,samples=50, domain=-30:0,name path=p1] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,samples=50, domain=0:30,name path=p2] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [thick,dashed,name path=p3] coordinates {(-25,5) (25,5)};
\path [name path=left, %thick,draw=blue,-latex,
intersection segments={of=p1 and p3,sequence=L2}];
\path [name path=right, %thick,draw=red,-latex,
intersection segments={of=p2 and p3,sequence=L1}];
\addplot [pattern=north east lines,pattern color=blue,opacity=.8] fill between [
of=left and right,reverse=false];
\draw [fill=gray,opacity=.5] (0,3.5) ellipse [x radius=12.25, y radius=.1];
\addplot+ [only marks,mark=*] coordinates { (-25,5) (25,5)}
node [pos=0,above right] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$B=(-25,5)$}}
node [pos=1,above left] {\footnotesize\textcolor{blue}{$A=(25,5)$}};
\node [right] at (11,3) {$r=x=y^2$};
在您的特定 cae 中,您可以定义曲线的单一路径sqrt(abs(x))
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, patterns}
%axis equal=false,
xmin=-30, xmax=30,
ymin=-.5, ymax=6,
minor tick num=1,
axis lines = middle,
tick label style={inner sep=2pt, font=\footnotesize},
every axis plot post/.append style={thick},
\addplot [draw=none,domain=-30:30,
name path=p1] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [dashed, name path=p3,
every mark/.append style={solid,scale=1.2},
mark=*] coordinates {(-25,5) (25,5)}
node [pos=0,lbl, above right] {$B=(-25,5)$}
node [pos=1,lbl, above left] {$A=( 25,5)$};
\addplot [pattern=north east lines,
pattern color=blue,opacity=.8]
fill between [of=p1 and p3];
\addplot [dashed,domain=-30:0] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\addplot [ domain= 0:30] {sqrt(abs(x))};
\draw [fill=gray,opacity=.5] (0,3.5) ellipse [x radius=12.25, y radius=.1];
\node [right] at (11,3) {$r=x=y^2$};