将行号添加到 algorithm2e

将行号添加到 algorithm2e

如何为我的算法添加行号?我想在算法行的前面写上行号。如何使用 来获取它\usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e}





   \KwData{$next\_id, speed,stop\_distance, mac$}
   \KwResult{Find the initializer. }
   int $next\_id1$ = find a  record with $speed > 30$ \\ for this $mac$ in the next table;\\
   int $next\_id2$ = find record with $speed <7$ and \\ $stop\_distance < 60$ for this mac in the next table;\\
   \If{$next\_id1 < next\_id2$}{
      find the related $stop\_name$ for this mac;\\
      return  $stop\_name$;
   \caption{Algorithm to find intializer.}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption = {MYSQL query to find the initializer.}, label={lst: initializer}]
SELECT speed, stop_name
from next
where stop_distance < 60 and speed < 7  
and mac = ? and next_id > ?  LIMIT  1








  \KwData{$\var{next\_id}$, $\var{speed}$, $\var{stop\_distance}$, $\var{mac}$}
  \KwResult{Find the initializer. }
  int $\var{next\_id1}$ = find a  record with $\var{speed} > 30$ 
   for this $\var{mac}$ in the next table \;
  int $\var{next\_id2}$ = find record with $\var{speed} < 7$ and 
   $\var{stop\_distance} < 60$ for this $\var{mac}$ in the next table \;
  \If{$\var{next\_id1} < \var{next\_id2}$}{
    find the related $\var{stop\_name}$ for this mac \;
    return $\var{stop\_name}$ \;
  \caption{Algorithm to find intializer.}




这是开箱即用的(使用最新的 TeX 发行版)




\nl   \KwData{$next\_id, speed,stop\_distance, mac$}
\nl   \KwResult{Find the initializer. }
\nl   int $next\_id1$ = find a  record with $speed > 30$ \\ for this $mac$ in the next table;\\
\nl   int $next\_id2$ = find record with $speed <7$ and \\ $stop\_distance < 60$ for this mac in the next table;\\
\nl   \If{$next\_id1 < next\_id2$}{
\nl      find the related $stop\_name$ for this mac;\\
\nl      return  $stop\_name$;
   \caption{Algorithm to find intializer.}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption = {MYSQL query to find the initializer.}, label={lst: initializer}]
SELECT speed, stop_name
from next
where stop_distance < 60 and speed < 7  
and mac = ? and next_id > ?  LIMIT  1


