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\newenvironment{proof}[1][Proof]{\textbf{#1.} }{\ \rule{0.5em}{0.5em}}
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\newcommand{\tod}{\to^{\cal D}}
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\newcommand{\var}{{\rm Var}}
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\newcommand{\cov}{{\rm cov}}
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\newcommand{\Bi}{{\cal B}}
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We shall go over some basic knowledge hence we begin by giving some definitions. 
A group is a set $G$ together with a binary operation $*$ on $G$ satisfying
the following properties:\\
\doublespacing{(G1) Closure:     $\forall x,y \in G, x * y \in G.$\\
(G2) Associativity:  $\forall x,y, z \in G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z).$\\
(G3) Identity:   There is an element $e \in G$ such that $e * x = x * e = x$ for all $x \in G.$\\
(G4) Inverses:   For any $x \in G$ there is an element $y \in G$ such that $x * y = y * x = e.$\\}



A group $G$ is called an abelian group if the following axiom is satisfied:\\

(G5) Commutativity: $\forall x,y \in G, x * y = y * x.$





\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}





We shall go over some basic knowledge hence we begin by giving some definitions. 

A group is a set $G$ together with a binary operation $*$ on $G$ satisfying
the following properties:
\item Closure: $\forall x,y \in G, x * y \in G$.
\item Associativity: $\forall x,y, z \in G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)$.
\item Identity: There is an element $e \in G$ such that $e * x = x * e = x$ for all $x \in G$.
\item Inverses: For any $x \in G$ there is an element $y \in G$ such that $x * y = y * x = e$.




\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}





We shall go over some basic knowledge hence we begin by giving some definitions. 

A group is a set $G$ together with a binary operation $*$ on $G$ satisfying
the following properties:
\item Closure: $\forall x,y \in G, x * y \in G$.
\item Associativity: $\forall x,y, z \in G, (x * y) * z = x * (y * z)$.
\item Identity: There is an element $e \in G$ such that $e * x = x * e = x$ for all $x \in G$.
\item Inverses: For any $x \in G$ there is an element $y \in G$ such that $x * y = y * x = e$.

A group $G$ is called an abelian group if the following axiom is satisfied:
\item Commutativity: $\forall x,y \in G, x * y = y * x$.


