![书目 - 限制作者数量](https://linux22.com/image/387354/%E4%B9%A6%E7%9B%AE%20-%20%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6%E4%BD%9C%E8%80%85%E6%95%B0%E9%87%8F.png)
author={H. Pablo and G. N. Whittaker and A. Popowicz and S. M. Mochnacki and R. Kuschnig and C. C. Grant and A. F. J. Moffat and S. M.
Rucinski and J. M. Matthews and A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny and G. Handler and W. W. Weiss and D. Baade and G. A. Wade and E.
Zocłońska and T. Ramiaramanantsoa and M. Unterberger and K. Zwintz and A. Pigulski and J. Rowe and O. Koudelka and P.
Orleański and A. Pamyatnykh and C. Neiner and R. Wawrzaszek and G. Marciniszyn and P. Romano and G. Woźniak and T.
\renewcommand{\bibname}{Seznam použité literatury}
author={H. Pablo and G. N. Whittaker and A. Popowicz and S. M. Mochnacki and R. Kuschnig
and C.
C. Grant and A. F. J. Moffat and S. M.
Rucinski and J. M. Matthews and A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny and G. Handler and W. W. Weiss
D. Baade and G. A. Wade and E.
Zocłońska and T. Ramiaramanantsoa and M. Unterberger and K. Zwintz and A. Pigulski and
Rowe and O. Koudelka and P.
Orleański and A. Pamyatnykh and C. Neiner and R. Wawrzaszek and G. Marciniszyn and P.
Romano and G. Woźniak and T.},
title ={An article with a lot of authors},
date ={2018-12-20},
journal= {The journal for Articles},
location ={New York and Bangkok},
foo~\parencite{Pablo2016} or bar~\textcite{Pablo2016}
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