如何在 Tikz 中为角度标签添加白色背景?

如何在 Tikz 中为角度标签添加白色背景?

我正在为一个项目绘制图表,但是由于 n 向量穿过角度标签,因此不太清晰,我想为 alpha 标签添加白色背景,以便更容易看到。谢谢,请参阅下面的 MWE。


            %Define coordinates
            \coordinate (origin) at (0,0);
            \coordinate (bhat) at (0,5);
            \coordinate (zetahat) at (5,0);
            \coordinate (vector) at (3,4);
            \coordinate (normal) at (1.581,4.743);

            %Draw axes
            \draw[thick, <->] (bhat) node[above]{$\hat{b}$} -- (origin) -- (zetahat) node[right]{$\hat{\zeta}$};

            %Draw vector
            \draw[thick, ->, blue] (origin) -- (vector) node[above]{$\vec{v_r}$};

            %N vector
            \draw[thick, dotted, ->] (origin) -- (normal) node[above]{$\hat{n}$};

            %Draw angle
            \pic [draw, "$\alpha$", angle eccentricity = 1.2, angle radius = 1.5cm, thick] {angle = vector--origin--bhat};

        \caption{Pitch angle $\alpha$ is equal to $2\theta_{bn}$, showing specular reflection}
        \label{fig:Pitch Angle}



enter image description here


            %Define coordinates
            \coordinate (origin) at (0,0);
            \coordinate (bhat) at (0,5);
            \coordinate (zetahat) at (5,0);
            \coordinate (vector) at (3,4);
            \coordinate (normal) at (1.581,4.743);

            %Draw axes
            \draw[thick, <->] (bhat) node[above]{$\hat{b}$} -- (origin) -- (zetahat) node[right]{$\hat{\zeta}$};

            %Draw vector
            \draw[thick, ->, blue] (origin) -- (vector) node[above]{$\vec{v_r}$};

            %N vector
            \draw[thick, dotted, ->] (origin) -- (normal) node[above]{$\hat{n}$};

            %Draw angle
            \pic [draw,  "$\alpha$"{fill=white}, angle eccentricity = 1.2, angle radius = 1.5cm, thick] {angle = vector--origin--bhat};

        \caption{Pitch angle $\alpha$ is equal to $2\theta_{bn}$, showing specular reflection}
        \label{fig:Pitch Angle}


PSTricks 解决方案仅用于比较目的。单个*解决方案即可完成工作(使标签背景变得纯色)。


enter image description here
