

enter image description here

我知道 esint 包可以输入带有平方路径的线积分:$\sqint$,但今天我需要一个带箭头的平方线积分。有人知道怎么做吗?


\stackinset使用from stackengine\squintfromesint\Lsh from命令的建议mathabx(不加载 mathabx):

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb,}

\DeclareFontShape{U}{mathb}{m}{n}{ <-6> mathb5 <6-7> mathb6 <7-8>
mathb7 <8-9> mathb8 <9-10> mathb9 <10-12> mathb10 <12-> mathb12 }{}
 \usepackage{stackengine} %


\[ I = \mysqint g(z)\,\mathrm d z \]


enter image description here


今天我也发现自己想要一个类似的符号,不同之处在于我希望箭头位于正方形右侧的垂直边缘上。我发现了两个有用的帖子: 这个, 和这个经过对这些进行一些调整,我得出了以下解决方案,这对于我的目的来说已经足够了:

\usepackage{physics} % Differentials
\usepackage{xcolor}  % Colors 
\usepackage{placeins} % FloatBarrier
\usepackage{tikz-cd} % Commutative diagrams

% Approach 1: 

% Contour integral with box and upward-pointing arrow. 
% Needs the package esint and nccmath
\newcommand{\boxintanticlockwise}{\mathop{\mathpalette\docircint\relax}\! \sqint}

% Determine what to do based on where the symbol is beign used:

% (Display style = Math on separate line) 
\newcommand{\displaycircint}{\scriptsize \boldsymbol{\wedge} \mkern-30.5mu}

% (Textstyle = Inline math)


% Approach 2: 
% Source: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/237784/how-to-increase-the-arrow-size-on-oint

% Clockwise BIG (Display Style):

\phantom{\int} \hspace{-1mm}

% Counterclockwise BIG (Display Style):

\phantom{\int} \hspace{-1mm}

% Clockwise SMALL (Inline Mode):


  A+\ointctrclockwise\frac{\dd t}{\log t} \text{ vs. } A+\clockboxintegral\frac{\dd t}{\log t} \text{ vs. } A+\counterclockboxintegral\frac{\dd t}{\log t}

  \ointctrclockwise_{a}^{b} \text{ vs. } \clockboxintegral_{a}^{b} \text{ vs. } \counterclockboxintegral_{a}^{b}

  \frac{1}{2\pi}\ointctrclockwise_{\gamma} \text{ vs. } \frac{1}{2\pi}\clockboxintegral_{\gamma} \text{ vs. } \frac{1}{2\pi}\counterclockboxintegral_{\gamma}

  \frac{1}{2\pi}\ointctrclockwise_{X} \text{ vs. } \frac{1}{2\pi}\clockboxintegral_{X} \text{ vs. } \frac{1}{2\pi}\counterclockboxintegral_{X}
\textbf{Inline examples} \\[1mm]
There is a size difference between the inline integrals \(\int \hspace{1mm} \sqint \). \\[2mm]
But this can more or less fixed : \(\int\) \scalebox{1.1}{\(\sqint\)}. \\
Example: `The integral \(\int f(x)\dd x\) is harder to compute than \scalebox{1.1}{\(\sqint\)}\hspace{0.5mm}\(f(x)\dd x\).'
`The integrals \(\int f(z)\dd z\) and \(\int_{\Gamma} f(z)\dd z\)...'\\[2mm]
`The integrals \(\sqint f(z)\dd z\) and \(\sqint_{\Gamma} f(z)\dd z\)...' (`\textbackslash sqint' is incapable of handlign the subscript \(\Gamma\) by default)\\[2mm]
`The integral \(\hspace{2mm}\clockboxintegralinline f(z)\dd z\) describes a ...'


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