



    This is just some text to show where the margin is. Some more and more text yay text is good.
    a + b + c + d + e &= an-expression \\
    &= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
    &= another-expression && \text{a little longer comment} \\
    &= 0


enter image description here









This is just some text to show where the margin is.
Some more and more text yay text is good.
This is just some text to show where the margin is.
Some more and more text yay text is good.
\lefteqn{a + b + c + d + e}\quad \\
&= an-expression \\
&= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
&= another-expression && \text{a little longer comment} \\
&= 0


\lefteqn隐藏术语的宽度后,我在左边距添加了= \quad in order not to have the` 符号,结果发现仍然有一点可用空间。

enter image description here




This is just some text to show where the margin is. 
Some more and more text yay text is good.
This is just some text to show where the margin is. 
Some more and more text yay text is good.
a + b + c + d + e
&= an-expression \\
&= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
&= another-expression && \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}
                         a little \\
                         longer \\
                         \end{tabular} \\
&= 0


enter image description here



% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



% \slshape % if uncommented, will the reference to the Magic Theorem be slanted?

Some text before the equation, to show where the right margin lies.  Oh, no, 
that was not enough: \emph{now} it is enough!
    \textit{formula\_result} &= \textit{short\_term} \\
        &= \textit{muuuuch\_loooonger\_term} + \textit{another\_one}
                && \text{by \ldots} && \\
        &= x-x
                && && \makebox[0pt][r]{by the Magic Theorem} \\
        &= 0
Some text after the equation, to show again the position of the right margin of
the text block.


这是我得到的输出(在 TeXLive 2016 上,抱歉,但这就是我目前得到的):

Output of the code

添加: 一个更简单的解决方案\hidewidth是使用不是产生与前一个完全相同的打印输出:

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



Some text before the equation, to show where the right margin lies.  Oh, no, 
that was not enough: \emph{now} it is enough!
    \textit{formula\_result} &= \textit{short\_term} \\
        &= \textit{muuuuch\_loooonger\_term} + \textit{another\_one}
                & \text{by \ldots} & \\
        &= x-x
                & \hidewidth\text{by the Magic Theorem} & \\
        &= 0
Some text after the equation, to show again the position of the right margin of
the text block.



Output of the second code sample

第二次补充: 如果你反对使用类似的普通 TeX 命令\hidewidth,你可以用以下代码替换第二个示例

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.



% \slshape

Some text before the equation, to show where the right margin lies.  Oh, no, 
that was not enough: \emph{now} it is enough!
    \textit{formula\_result} &= \textit{short\_term} \\
        &= \textit{muuuuch\_loooonger\_term} + \textit{another\_one}
                & \text{by \ldots} & \\
        &= x-x
                & \makebox[0pt][r]{by the Magic Theorem} & \\
        &= 0
Some text after the equation, to show again the position of the right margin of
the text block.




谷歌\lefteqn搜索egreg 的回答我发现这个答案这是关于\MoveEqLeft- 来自 mathtools 的命令(参见 3.4.4这里)因此示例变为:


    This is just some text to show where the margin is. Some more and more text yay text is good.
    \MoveEqLeft[1] a + b + c + d + e \\
    &= an-expression \\
    &= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
    &= another-expression && \text{a little longer comment} \\
    &= 0

产生以下输出(与 egreg 的相同):

enter image description here




\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}


    This is just some text to show where the margin is. Some more and more text yay text is good.
   \mathrlap{ a + b + c + d + e} \\
    &= an-expression \\
    &= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
    &= another-expression && \text{a little longer comment} \\
    &= 0
Some other text and another possibility:
    a + b &+ c + d + e\\
    &= an-expression \\
    &= some-very-longgggggggggg-expression && \text{comment} \\
    &= another-expression && \text{a little longer comment} \\
    &= 0


enter image description here
