biblatex 子书目中不需要的额外行

biblatex 子书目中不需要的额外行

我一直在使用 biblatex,并参考了本书中的一些答案。

  1. 缩写列表分为 4 个部分,其中 3 个部分为讨论的主要作者,另一个部分为其他主要文本

  2. 本书的书目分为 5 个子书目,其中 3 个为主要作者,1 个为其他主要文本,最后一个为次要文本。

一切正常,除了子围兜中出现了一些不必要的多余线条。下面是一个由 MWE 生成的示例,其中 Benacerraf & Putnam 的条目和 Berger 的条目之间有一条额外的线条:


不幸的是,MWE 有点长:


  author    = {Moore, G. E.},
  title     = {Principia Ethica},
  date      = {1903},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  location  = {Cambridge},
  shorthand = {PE},
  author      = {Frege, Gottlob},
  title       = {Grundgesetze der Arithmetik},
  date        = {1893},
  volume      = {I},
  publisher   = {Hermann Pohle},
  location    = {Jena},
  related     = {Frege2013a},
  relatedtype = {englishtitle},
  shorthand   = {BLI},
  shorttitle  = {Grundgesetze I},
  author = {Frege, Gottlob},
  title  = {{B}asic {L}aws of {A}rithmetic, \emph{Vol. I}},
  date = {2013},
  author       = {Candlish, Stewart},
  title        = {The Truth about F. H. Bradley},
  journaltitle = {Mind},
  date         = {1989},
  volume       = {98},
  number       = {391},
  pages        = {331--48},
  editor    = {Benacerraf, Paul and Putnam, Hilary},
  title     = {Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings},
  date      = {1984},
  edition   = {revised and expanded},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  location  = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
  author    = {Bell, David},
  title     = {Frege's Theory of Judgment},
  date      = {1979},
  publisher = {Clarendon Press},
  location  = {Oxford},
  author     = {Wittgenstein, Ludwig},
  title      = {Notebooks, 1914--1916},
  date       = {1979},
  editor     = {Wright, G. H. von and Anscombe, G. E. M.},
  translator = {Anscombe, G. E. M.},
  edition    = {2},
  publisher  = {Basil Blackwell},
  location   = {Oxford},
  origyear   = {1913},
  shorthand  = {NB},
  shorttitle = {Notebooks},
  author     = {Russell, Bertrand},
  title      = {The Principles of Mathematics},
  date       = {1903},
  publisher  = {Cambridge University Press},
  location   = {Cambridge},
  shorthand  = {PoM},
  shorttitle = {Principles},
  editor    = {Berger, Alan},
  title     = {Saul Kripke},
  date      = {2011},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  location  = {Cambridge},


% Environment for Abbreviation lists with the shorthands italicized by \emph

% Titles for Parts of Bibliography

% Main primary sources categories
         test {\ifdefstring{\namepartfamily}{#2}}%         
         test {\ifdefstring{\namepartgiven}{#3}}%

\generateauthorcategory{moore}{Moore}{G.\bibnamedelimi E.}

% Filter for other primary sources, but NOT main ones
not category=byfrege %
and not category=bymoore %
and not category=byrussell %

% Check for all primary sources and another for secondary sources

% Filtering entries for abbreviations lists

% Sorting the abbreviations lists
\DeclareSortingTemplate{fregeabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{mainabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{moreabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{author} } }

% Adding English titles of Frege's works (from entries related to) to German entries in Bibliography
    \printtext{English title:}%

% Drivers for printing abbreviations lists





The following abbreviations are for frequently cited primary sources. Full details of these works are in the Bibliography.

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]{fregeabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]{mainabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Russell}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byrussell]{mainabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Other Primary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]{moreabbrevs}\newpage



\printbibliography[title={Writings of Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]

\printbibliography[title={Writings of Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]

\printbibliography[title={Writings of Russell}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byrussell]

\printbibliography[title={Other Primary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]

\printbibliography[title={Secondary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=secondarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]



原因是,如果使用\printbibliography而不是 ,\chapter*{Bibliography}并且使用 5 个后续命令来打印子书目,则生成的没有子书目的书目不会有多余的行:





原因是,如果使用\printbibliography而不是 ,\chapter*{Bibliography}并且使用后续 5 个命令来打印子书目,则生成的没有子书目的书目不会有多余的行。






  author    = {Moore, G. E.},
  title     = {Principia Ethica},
  date      = {1903},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  location  = {Cambridge},
  shorthand = {PE},
  author      = {Frege, Gottlob},
  title       = {Grundgesetze der Arithmetik},
  date        = {1893},
  volume      = {I},
  publisher   = {Hermann Pohle},
  location    = {Jena},
  related     = {Frege2013a},
  relatedtype = {englishtitle},
  shorthand   = {BLI},
  shorttitle  = {Grundgesetze I},
  author = {Frege, Gottlob},
  title  = {{B}asic {L}aws of {A}rithmetic, \emph{Vol. I}},
  date = {2013},
  author       = {Candlish, Stewart},
  title        = {The Truth about F. H. Bradley},
  journaltitle = {Mind},
  date         = {1989},
  volume       = {98},
  number       = {391},
  pages        = {331--48},
  editor    = {Benacerraf, Paul and Putnam, Hilary},
  title     = {Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings},
  date      = {1984},
  edition   = {revised and expanded},
  publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
  location  = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
  author    = {Bell, David},
  title     = {Frege's Theory of Judgment},
  date      = {1979},
  publisher = {Clarendon Press},
  location  = {Oxford},
  author     = {Wittgenstein, Ludwig},
  title      = {Notebooks, 1914--1916},
  date       = {1979},
  editor     = {Wright, G. H. von and Anscombe, G. E. M.},
  translator = {Anscombe, G. E. M.},
  edition    = {2},
  publisher  = {Basil Blackwell},
  location   = {Oxford},
  origyear   = {1913},
  shorthand  = {NB},
  shorttitle = {Notebooks},
  author     = {Russell, Bertrand},
  title      = {The Principles of Mathematics},
  date       = {1903},
  publisher  = {Cambridge University Press},
  location   = {Cambridge},
  shorthand  = {PoM},
  shorttitle = {Principles},
  editor    = {Berger, Alan},
  title     = {Saul Kripke},
  date      = {2011},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  location  = {Cambridge},


% Environment for Abbreviation lists with the shorthands italicized by \emph

% Titles for Parts of Bibliography

% Main primary sources categories
         test {\ifdefstring{\namepartfamily}{#2}}%
         test {\ifdefstring{\namepartgiven}{#3}}%

\generateauthorcategory{moore}{Moore}{G.\bibnamedelimi E.}

% Filter for other primary sources, but NOT main ones
not category=byfrege %
and not category=bymoore %
and not category=byrussell %

% Check for all primary sources and another for secondary sources

% Filtering entries for abbreviations lists

% Sorting the abbreviations lists
\DeclareSortingTemplate{fregeabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{mainabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{shorthand} } }
\DeclareSortingTemplate{moreabbrevs}{ \sort[final]{ \field{sortshorthand} } \sort{ \field{author} } }

% Adding English titles of Frege's works (from entries related to) to German entries in Bibliography
    \printtext{English title:}%

% Drivers for printing abbreviations lists





The following abbreviations are for frequently cited primary sources. Full details of these works are in the Bibliography.

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]{fregeabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]{mainabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Writings of Russell}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byrussell]{mainabbrevs}

\printbiblist[env=abbrevs,title={Other Primary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]{moreabbrevs}\newpage



\printbibliography[title={Writings of Frege}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byfrege]

\printbibliography[title={Writings of Moore}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=bymoore]

\printbibliography[title={Writings of Russell}, heading=subbibtitleonly, category=byrussell]

\printbibliography[title={Other Primary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=primarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]

\printbibliography[title={Secondary Sources}, heading=subbibtitleonly, check=secondarysource, notcategory=byfrege, notcategory=bymoore, notcategory=byrussell]


