我不太明白为什么我不能用以下 mwe 实现粗体 Arial Narrow 字体。
% N.B. typeset with lualatex.exe
% uncomment this section and observe result
%\setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Arial Narrow}
% uncomment this section and observe result
\section{A \emph{bold} section heading}
\section{A not so \emph{bold} heading}
\section{Just an ordinary heading}
尽管 Arial Narrow 已正确安装,但我还是遇到了同样的问题。明确声明形状有助于解决该问题(顺便说一下,我使用的是 Windows 10,其中设置了标准字体并安装了最新的 TeXLive 2018):
% N.B. typeset with lualatex.exe
% uncomment this section and observe result
BoldFont={Arial Narrow Bold},
ItalicFont={Arial Narrow Italic},
BoldItalicFont={Arial Narrow Bold Italic}
]{Arial Narrow}
% uncomment this section and observe result
\section{A \emph{bold} section heading}
\section{A not so \emph{bold} heading}
\section{Just an ordinary heading}
正如评论中指出的那样,Arial 字体系列是专有的,可能安装在系统上,也可能不安装。作为安全措施,我建议使用解放无字体
免费的与度量兼容的 Arial、Arial Narrow、Times New Roman 和 Courier New 字体的替代品。
切换到Liberation Sans Narrow
% N.B. typeset with lualatex.exe
% uncomment this section and observe result
\setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Liberation Sans Narrow}
% uncomment this section and observe result
\section{A \emph{bold} section heading}
\section{A not so \emph{bold} heading}
\section{Just an ordinary heading}