

我在 latex 上的表格列表有问题。我的附录表格显示为“表 APPENDIX A.1 表名”。但这里存在问题,因为单词 APPENDIX A.1 覆盖了表格的名称。

这是我在 .tex 中写附录的地方(此后我写了表格):






\author{JOHN DOE}
\title{The Influence of Probabilistic Methodologies on Networking}
\trtitle{Ağ üzerinde Olasılık Yöntemlerinin Etkisi}

\date{October 2014}

\supervisor[prof]{JOHN DOE}
\departmentofsupervisor{Industrial Engineering Department, X}

\committeememberi[assistprof]{JAMES DOE}
\affiliationi{Industrial Engineering Department, X}
\committeememberii[assistprof]{JESSICA DOE}
\affiliationii{Industrial Engineering Department, University of Kentucky}
\committeememberiii[assocprof]{RICK DOE}
\affiliationiii{Computer Engineering Department, MIT}
% Fourth committee member
\committeememberiv[assocprof]{MAN DOE}
\affiliationiv{Computer Engineering Department, MIT}




% Preliminaries

\newenvironment{prf}{\noindent{\bf Proof}}{$\hfill \Box$ \vspace{10pt}}




In Tables~\ref{tab:A1}, \ref{tab:A2}, \ref{tab:A3}, \ref{tab:A4}, \ref{tab:A5}, \ref{tab:A6}, \ref{tab:A7}, each cell shows the f1-score performance of a specific feature-set with a specific classifier in a specific case, using a specific sensor.

\caption{Scenario 1: f1-scores considering all cases}
Interarrival Times & $\gamma=10$ & $\gamma=1$ & $\gamma=0.1$ \\
$x_1$   &   6.9530  &   7.0078  &   7.0940  \\
$x_2$   &   6.9870  &   7.0144  &   7.0760  \\
$x_3$   &   6.9860  &   7.0344  &   7.0820  \\
$x_4$   &   7.0000  &   7.0267  &   7.0900  \\
$x_5$   &   6.9900  &   7.0222  &   7.0920  \\
$x_6$   &   6.9800  &   7.0211  &   7.0910  \\
$x_7$   &   6.9990  &   7.0211  &   7.0800  \\
$x_8$   &   7.0000  &   7.0167  &   7.0900  \\
$x_9$   &   7.0130  &   7.0044  &   7.0870  \\



表格列表中的问题(“附录 a.1 a.2 a.3”等字样) 替代链接可能无法看到上面的图片

我需要做其中一件事:从表格列表中删除单词“APPENDIX”或将表格名称放在APPENDIX A.1之后。

所有 latex 文件 (.cls、.def、.bib 等) 均可从此链接轻松下载:以...之名乳胶漆



在你的 tex 文件的某处,在 之前\begin{document},添加以下行:

        \if@rmnchp \Roman{chapter}%
        \else\vspace*{10pt} \arabic{chapter}%
\def\appendix{\selectlanguage{English} \cleardoublepage \par
\def\thechapter{   \MakeUppercase \appendixname \hskip 12pt \Alph{chapter}}}

这只会解决表名称中包含 APPENDIX 的问题,并从附录名称和表名称中删除 APPENDIX 一词:


它不会修复图形或插图(需要类似的解决方案)。最重要的是,它不会修复附录 A 目录中的错误,我还没明白:

