\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, fit, positioning}
> = LaTeX,
cell/.style = {rectangle, draw, very thick, outer sep=0pt,
\node[cell] (foo) {foo};
\node[cell, right=of foo] (bar) {bar};
\node[cell, right=of bar] (baz) {baz};
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of foo.south west] (longTime1) {Look how long I am};
\draw[->] (longTime1.north -| foo) edge (foo)
(longTime1.north -| bar) edge (bar)
(longTime1.north -| baz) to (baz);
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of longTime1.south west] (longTime2) {I'm also long};
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, fit, positioning}
> = LaTeX,
cell/.style = {rectangle, draw, very thick, outer sep=0pt,
\node[cell] (foo) {foo};
\node[cell, right=of foo] (bar) {bar};
\node[cell, right=of bar] (baz) {baz};
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of foo.south west] (longTime1) {Look how long I am};
\draw[->] (longTime1.north -| foo) edge (foo)
(longTime1.north -| bar) edge (bar)
(longTime1.north -| baz) to (baz);
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of longTime1.south west] (longTime2) {I'm also long};
\foreach \X in {foo,bar,baz}
{\draw (longTime1.south -| \X.center) -- (longTime2.north -| \X.center);}
与@marmot 的答案类似,但代码更短......
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, positioning}
node distance = 10mm and 10mm, % <---
> = LaTeX,
cell/.style = {rectangle, draw, very thick, outer sep=0pt,
\node[cell] (foo) {foo};
\node[cell, right=of foo] (bar) {bar};
\node[cell, right=of bar] (baz) {baz};
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of foo.south west]
(longTime1) {Look how long I am}
node[cell, minimum width=\n1, % nodes longTime1 and longTime2 have the same width
below=of longTime1] % <---
(longTime2) {I'm also long};
\foreach \i in {foo,bar,baz} % loop for all arrows
\draw[->] (longTime1.north -| \i) -- (\i);
\draw (longTime1.south -| \i) -- (longTime2.north -| \i);
结果与@marmot 的回答相同,因此无需在此重复:-)
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, fit, positioning}
> = LaTeX,
cell/.style = {rectangle, draw, very thick, outer sep=0pt,
\node[cell] (foo) {foo};
\node[cell, right=of foo] (bar) {bar};
\node[cell, right=of bar] (baz) {baz};
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of foo.south west,fill=white] (longTime1) {Look how long I am}; % fill the background of the node in white
\path let \p1 = ($(foo.west)-(baz.east)$),
\n1 = {veclen(\x1,\y1)} in
node[cell, minimum width=\n1,
below right=1cm and 0cm of longTime1.south west] (longTime2) {I'm also long};
\begin{scope}[on background layer]% arrows are drawn on the background
\draw[->] (longTime2.north -| foo) edge (foo)
(longTime2.north -| bar) edge (bar)
(longTime2.north -| baz) to (baz);