为什么没有从 bib 文件添加参考文献?

为什么没有从 bib 文件添加参考文献?

最初,我在单列中添加了我的 bib 文件并且它可以正常工作,但当我使用双列格式时,会出现以下错误。

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.6800 64-bit) The top-level auxiliary file: Paper.aux I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file Paper.aux (There was 1 error message)

Process exited with error(s)



%\usepackage[...]{...}      This has been commented out as we are not using any additional packages here.  On the whole, they should be unnecessary.
\nc{\da}{\downarrow} \nc{\hc}{\hat{c}} \nc{\hS}{\hat{S}}
\nc{\bra}{\langle} \nc{\ket}{\rangle} \nc{\eq}{equation (\ref}
\nc{\h}{\hat} \nc{\hT}{\h{T}}\nc{\be}{\begin{eqnarray}}
\date{12th December 2011}


\title{Instructions and example template for \LaTeX{} submissions to \emph{Electronics Letters}}

\author{J. Smith and A. N. Other}

\abstract{This document describes how to use the el-author.cls file and how to format your \LaTeX submissions
correctly for \emph{Electronics Letters}. It also serves as a template, so that you can simply
copy the text from this example .tex file and replace it with your own.  We have tried to cover the basic



\verb"el-author.cls" is used in a similar fashion to the standard \verb"article.cls" file. However, the \verb"el-author.cls" file must be copied \cite{Preece2009, Shoaib2013a} into the same directory as the .tex file you wish to compile for submission. 




假设您从以下 来源获取了文件el-author.clssample.texsample.pdfhttps://digital-library.theiet.org/journals/el/author-guide



Anderson, P.: `A poor man's derivation of scaling laws for the 
Kondo problem', \textit{J. Phys. C.}, 1960, \textbf{3}, p. 2436

Coleman, P.: `1/N expansion for the Kondo lattice', 
\textit{Phys. Rev. B}, 1983, \textbf{28}, pp. 5255-5262

Ludwig, I. and Ludwig A. W. W.: `Kondo effect induced by a 
magnetic field', \textit{Phys. Rev. B}, 2001, \textbf{64}, p. 045328


请注意,所有三个示例条目都是同一类型(期刊文章);没有提供任何有关如何格式化书籍、工作文件等的指导。说明\begin{thebibliography}{}应该是。我认为给出名为、和 的\begin{thebibliography}{9}引用键也是不好的形式。最后,似乎和之间缺少逗号。123LudwigA. W. W.

遗憾的是,该示例也没有提供如何使用 BibTeX 等软件创建参考书目的指导。唯一清楚的是,应该使用数字式引文标注。

