我使用的是 sharelatex 提供的 APA6 模板。但是,该模板在两列文档中输出单列摘要(如下所示:https://www.sharelatex.com/templates/journals/apa)。
我也希望摘要在两列中。即如下图所示。有没有办法在 latex 中做到这一点?
\title{Example of an APA style for journal article}
\shorttitle{APA style}
\twoauthors{Author One}{Author Two}
\twoaffiliations{Institute of Psychology}{Freud's Institute}
\abstract{This is an example of a journal article using the \texttt{apa6.cls} document class to typeset manuscripts according to 6th edition of the Americal Psychological Association (APA) manual}
\rightheader{APA style}
\leftheader{Author One}
\section{Sample section}
Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text. Sample text.