



    \caption{My caption}
            \multicolumn{1}{c}{Known facts} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Open questions} & Objectives \\ \midrule
            \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}The resistance to matrix cracking depends on\\ ply-thickness (also known as in-situ effect)\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}There is no evidence of the in-situ effect under\\ out-of-plane shear\end{tabular} & \multirow{4}{*}{A} \\
            \multirow{3}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}\\\\Out-of-plane (``transverse'') shear loads involve \\ shear cracks and delamination\end{tabular}} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}There is controversy about which damage \\ mechanism triggers the other\end{tabular} &  \\
            & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}There is controversy about which damage \\ mechanism   penalizes  the  load-carrying\\ capacity\end{tabular} &  \\
            & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}There is no clear evidence of how ply-thickness\\ affects the damage sequence\end{tabular} &  \\ \midrule
            \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Thin-plies increase certain in-plane properties \\ because of the in-situ effect\end{tabular} & \multirow{2}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}There is little evidence of how thin-plies \\ respond to low-velocity impact loading\\ (particularly true for thin laminates)\end{tabular}} & \multirow{2}{*}{B} \\
            Thin-plies display brittle failure mechanisms &  &  \\ \midrule
            \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Interleaving polyamide non-woven veils may \\ enhance the impact resistance, tolerance and \\ interlaminar fracture toughness\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Few studies connect the microstructure and the \\ properties of interleaved systems\end{tabular} & \multirow{2}{*}{C} \\
            \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}The improvement comes with a penalty of\\ certain in-plane properties\end{tabular} & Few studies incorporate light non-woven veils &  \\ \bottomrule





    \caption{My caption}

            \multicolumn{1}{c}{Known facts} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Open questions} & Objectives \\ \midrule
            The resistance to matrix cracking depends on ply-thickness (also known as in-situ effect) & There is no evidence of the in-situ effect under out-of-plane shear & \multirow{10}{*}{A} \\
             & There is controversy about which damage mechanism triggers the other &  \\
           Out-of-plane (``transverse'') shear loads involve  shear cracks and delamination & There is controversy about which damage  mechanism   penalizes  the  load-carrying capacity &  \\
            & There is no clear evidence of how ply-thickness affects the damage sequence &  \\ \midrule
            Thin-plies increase certain in-plane properties  because of the in-situ effect & \multirow{4}{=}{There is little evidence of how thin-plies  respond to low-velocity impact loading (particularly true for thin laminates)} & \multirow{4}{*}{B} \\
            Thin-plies display brittle failure mechanisms &  &  \\ \midrule
            Interleaving polyamide non-woven veils may  enhance the impact resistance, tolerance and  interlaminar fracture toughness & Few studies connect the microstructure and the  properties of interleaved systems & \multirow{5}{*}{C} \\
           The improvement comes with a penalty of certain in-plane properties & Few studies incorporate light non-woven veils &  \\ \bottomrule









\caption{My caption}


\multicolumn{1}{c}{Known facts} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Open questions} & Objectives \\
The resistance to matrix cracking depends on ply-thickness (also known as in-situ effect)
& There is no evidence of the in-situ effect under out-of-plane shear
& A
\\ \addlinespace
Out-of-plane (``transverse'') shear loads involve  shear cracks and delamination
& There is controversy about which damage mechanism triggers the other\par
  There is controversy about which damage  mechanism penalizes the load-carrying capacity\par
  There is no clear evidence of how ply-thickness affects the damage sequence
Thin-plies increase certain in-plane properties  because of the in-situ effect\par
Thin-plies display brittle failure mechanisms
& There is little evidence of how thin-plies respond to low-velocity impact loading 
  (particularly true for thin laminates)
& B
Interleaving polyamide non-woven veils may  enhance the impact resistance, tolerance and
interlaminar fracture toughness
& Few studies connect the microstructure and the properties of interleaved systems
& C
\\ \addlinespace
The improvement comes with a penalty of certain in-plane properties
& Few studies incorporate light non-woven veils









\caption{My caption}


Objectives & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Known facts} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Open questions} \\
& The resistance to matrix cracking depends on ply-thickness (also known as in-situ effect)
& There is no evidence of the in-situ effect under out-of-plane shear
\\ \addlinespace
& Out-of-plane (``transverse'') shear loads involve  shear cracks and delamination
& There is controversy about which damage mechanism triggers the other\par
  There is controversy about which damage  mechanism penalizes the load-carrying capacity\par
  There is no clear evidence of how ply-thickness affects the damage sequence
& Thin-plies increase certain in-plane properties  because of the in-situ effect\par
  Thin-plies display brittle failure mechanisms
& There is little evidence of how thin-plies respond to low-velocity impact loading 
  (particularly true for thin laminates)
& Interleaving polyamide non-woven veils may  enhance the impact resistance, tolerance and
  interlaminar fracture toughness
& Few studies connect the microstructure and the properties of interleaved systems
\\ \addlinespace
& The improvement comes with a penalty of certain in-plane properties
& Few studies incorporate light non-woven veils



