双 y 轴图

双 y 轴图

想要绘制双轴图,但我对一些细节不太清楚 - 也许有人可以给我指出正确的方向?主要问题是两个条形图重叠!

\usepackage{pgfplots, filecontents}


    every axis plot post/.style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
    ybar = 5pt,
    bar width=8pt,
    axis y line*=left,       
    ymin = 0.2,
    ymax = 1,
    axis on top,
    xtick={Default, AS, BFA, BFC, LS, BFA-LS, Robust},
    enlarge x limits=0.2,
    symbolic x coords={Default, AS, BFA, BFC, LS, BFA-LS, Robust},
    %restrict y to domain*=0:1200, % Cut values off at 14
    visualization depends on=rawy\as\rawy, % Save the unclipped values
    after end axis/.code={ % Draw line indicating break
        \draw [ultra thick, white, decoration={snake, amplitude=1pt}, decorate] (rel axis cs:0,1.05) -- (rel axis cs:1,1.05);
    nodes near coords={%
        \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2]{\rawy}% Print unclipped values
    every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
    axis lines*=left,
    ylabel={Dice Score},
    xlabel={Average for Method},
    tick label style={font=\footnotesize},
    \addplot[fill=color5] coordinates {(Default, 0.4512103812) (AS, 0.631082628) (BFA, 0.6600940641)  (BFC, 0.6531076378) (LS, 0.6362765231) (BFA-LS, 0.6547464862) (Robust, 0.69035633)};

        every axis plot post/.style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
        ybar = 5pt,
        bar width=8pt,
        ymin = 0,
        ymax = 10,
        enlarge x limits=0.2,
        ylabel={Change in \%},
        symbolic x coords={Default, AS, BFA, BFC, LS, BFA-LS, Robust},
        visualization depends on=rawy\as\rawy, % Save the unclipped values
        nodes near coords={%
            \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2]{\rawy}% Print unclipped values
        every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
        axis y line*=right,
        axis x line=none,
            \addplot[fill=color5] coordinates {(Default, 0.3512103812) (AS, 0.631082628) (BFA, 0.6600940641)  (BFC, 0.6531076378) (LS, 0.6362765231) (BFA-LS, 0.6547464862) (Robust, 0.69035633)};



这些条形图重叠,因为您有两个独立的axis环境,因此这两个\addplot命令彼此“不了解”。因此,这些条形图只是绘制在 xticks 的顶部。为了避免这种情况,您必须手动移动它们。


% used PGFPlots v1.16
        % use this `compat` level or higher to make use of the "advanced"
        % label positioning (this brings the second ylabel to the right)
        % (created a style for the common options)
        my axis style/.style={
            every axis plot post/.style={/pgf/number format/fixed},
            bar width=8pt,
            axis on top,
            enlarge x limits=0.1,
            symbolic x coords={Default, AS, BFA, BFC, LS, BFA-LS, Robust},
            %restrict y to domain*=0:1200, % Cut values off at 14
            visualization depends on=rawy\as\rawy, % Save the unclipped values
%            after end axis/.code={ % Draw line indicating break
%                \draw [ultra thick, white, decoration={snake, amplitude=1pt}, decorate] (rel axis cs:0,1.05) -- (rel axis cs:1,1.05);
%            },
            nodes near coords={%
                \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2]{\rawy}% Print unclipped values
            every node near coord/.append style={rotate=90, anchor=west},
            tick label style={font=\footnotesize},
            xtick distance=1,
        my axis style,
        axis y line*=left,
        xlabel={Average for Method},
        ylabel={Dice Score},
        % to avoid overlapping, move the "first" bars to the left ...
        bar shift={-\pgfplotbarwidth/2},
        \addplot [fill=color5] coordinates {
            (Default, 0.4512103812)
            (AS, 0.631082628)
            (BFA, 0.6600940641)
            (BFC, 0.6531076378)
            (LS, 0.6362765231)
            (BFA-LS, 0.6547464862)
            (Robust, 0.69035633)
        my axis style,
        axis x line=none,
        axis y line*=right,
        ylabel={Change in \%},
        % ... and the second bars to the right
        bar shift={\pgfplotbarwidth/2},
        \addplot [fill=color5] coordinates {
            (Default, 0.3512103812)
            (AS, 0.631082628)
            (BFA, 0.6600940641)
            (BFC, 0.6531076378)
            (LS, 0.6362765231)
            (BFA-LS, 0.6547464862)
            (Robust, 0.69035633)

