


  1. 将圆移动到原点 (0,0)。如您在图二中看到的,图片“扭曲”了(扇形圆也一样!)?。放置位置应根据所选的纸张尺寸任意调整。
  2. 实现一个明确的纸张尺寸(想要选择 A4 或 A5)且不带边距。也许通过独立包?目前在这方面的输出是可以的,但纸张尺寸不行。注意:黑色背景的纸张宽度和高度的提及会更改为字母格式(这从何而来?)。


shade radial/.code={%
        color four radial/.cd,% 
       }%end second(!) tikzset
},%end code shade radial!
color four radial/.cd,%causes default path to be set to key(color four radial)  
                  shade radial color/.code n args={2} 
                                           shade radial color={1}{black},
                                           shade radial color={2}{black},
                                           shade radial color={3}{white},
                                           shade radial color={4}{white},
                                           shade radial color={5}{purple},
                                           shade radial color={6}{purple},
cfradial/.style={/tikz/path picture={
                                                         {cfradial}%shading name s. 3.01a, p. 1083
                                                         {\centerpoint}%center point 
                                                         {color(0pt)=(cfradialcolor1); %color specifications
                                                          color(\rone pt)=(cfradialcolor2);
                                                          color(\rtwo pt)=(cfradialcolor3);
                                                          color(\rthree pt)=(cfradialcolor4);
                                                          color(\rfour pt)=(cfradialcolor5);
                                                          color(\radius)=(cfradialcolor6) %
                                 }%end path picture
             }%end style cfradial



   \circleradius=14.0 cm;
}%end tikzmath

\coordinate (circleorig) at (-1cm,0cm);%%wrong if differs from (0,0)

  recstyle/.style={minimum height=\paperheight,minimum width=\paperwidth,rectangle,draw=blue!50,fill=black!100,thick}
\node at (circleorig)  [recstyle]{background black};

\node [shape=circle, opacity=.5,
      inner sep=0cm,
      shade radial={
                    shade radial color={1}{clr1},
                    shade radial color={2}{clr2},
                    shade radial color={3}{clr3},
                    shade radial color={4}{clr4},
                    shade radial color={5}{clr5},
                    shade radial color={6}{clr6}
                   },%the one parameter of shade radial
      minimum size = \circleradius,
  (thecircle) at (circleorig) {do};

(0,0) 处无失真




我混合使用了 Latex 和 Tikz 来解决这个问题。整个正确的阴影图片被放在一个迷你页面中,除了边缘边框外,它占用了与图片一样多的空间,如果需要的话,可以用 Latex 的方式消除这些边框(新问题)。

小页面将根据 hspace 的值向左和向右移动,根据 vspace 的值向上和向下移动。



shade radial/.code={%
        color four radial/.cd,% 
       }%end second(!) tikzset
},%end code shade radial!
color four radial/.cd,%causes default path to be set to key(color four radial)  
                  shade radial color/.code n args={2}{\colorlet{cfradialcolor#1}{#2}},
                                           shade radial color={1}{black},
                                           shade radial color={2}{black},
                                           shade radial color={3}{white},
                                           shade radial color={4}{white},
                                           shade radial color={5}{purple},
                                           shade radial color={6}{purple},
cfradial/.style={/tikz/path picture={
                                                         {cfradial}%shading name s. 3.01a, p. 1083
                                                         {\centerpoint}%center point 
                                                         {color(0pt)=(cfradialcolor1); %color specifications
                                                          color(\rone pt)=(cfradialcolor2);
                                                          color(\rtwo pt)=(cfradialcolor3);
                                                          color(\rthree pt)=(cfradialcolor4);
                                                          color(\rfour pt)=(cfradialcolor5);
                                                          color(\radius)=(cfradialcolor6) %
                                 }%end path picture
             }%end style cfradial
}%%end first tikzset

%old code for black background replaced by this: 
%replace white and orange by black and the job is done
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \shade[left color=white,right color=orange!60]
      (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);

%height above the picture. adding to vspace sets the circle lower
%if zero, circle on most left place. adding to hspace shifts the circle to right side
%\fbox{%just to see the minipage


\tikzmath{\circleradius=14.0 cm;}%end tikzmath

\coordinate (circleorig) at (0cm,0cm);

 \node [shape=circle, 
      inner sep=0cm,
      shade radial={
                    shade radial color={1}{clr1},
                    shade radial color={2}{clr2},
                    shade radial color={3}{clr3},
                    shade radial color={4}{clr4},
                    shade radial color={5}{clr5},
                    shade radial color={6}{clr6}
                   },%the one parameter of shade radial
      minimum size = \circleradius,
  (thecircle) at (circleorig) {do};
%}%end fbox

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述
