带标题的 longtable 在 tex4ht 中有额外的边线

带标题的 longtable 在 tex4ht 中有额外的边线

当我编译这个 MWE 时lualatex


This is my long table

\caption{my caption}\\\hline
A & B \\\hline
853.075 (sec) & 43.711 (sec)\\\hline
14.218 (minutes) & 0.729 (minutes)\\\hline

my long table is done    


Mathematica 图形

但使用make4ht foo.tex -c my.cfg "htm" asmy.cfg


HTML 输出如下所示

Mathematica 图形



This is my long table

A & B \\\hline
853.075 (sec) & 43.711 (sec)\\\hline
14.218 (minutes) & 0.729 (minutes)\\\hline

my long table is done    

现在使用编译,make4ht foo.tex "htm"输出正确,与 PDF 相同

Mathematica 图形

如果我使用这个 .cfg 文件代替上面的

\Configure{float}{\csname par\endcsname\ShowPar}
{\ifvmode\IgnorePar\fi\EndP\HCode{<div class="float">}}

在上面显示的第一个 MWE 上,输出如下所示,其中标题现在位于表格本身内

Mathematica 图形


有没有一种简单的解决方法,可以解决表格上方的标题不加多余线条的问题?就像在 PDF 输出中一样?

在 Linux 上使用 TL 2018

参考:如何在使用 tex4ht 时使标题位于表格下方中央



问题是标题被渲染为 longtable 中的一行。当您请求列的边框时,您也会获得带有标题的行的边框。您可以尝试修改后的版本longtable.4ht,它可以防止创建表格行:

% longtable.4ht                         2009-05-21-09:32 %
% Copyright (C) 1997--2009       Eitan M. Gurari         %
%                                                        %
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %
% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any   %
% later version. The latest version of this license is   %
% in                                                     %
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt                %
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions %
% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.                  %
%                                                        %
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".%
%                                                        %
% This Current Maintainer of this work                   %
% is Eitan M. Gurari.                                    %
%                                                        %
% If you modify this program your changing its signature %
% with a directive of the following form will be         %
% appreciated.                                           %
%            \message{signature}                         %
%                                                        %
%                             [email protected]  %
%                 http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari  %
\immediate\write-1{version 2009-05-21-09:32}

  \gHAdvance\float:cnt  1
       \HAdvance\HRow by 1 \global\let\:MkHalign:\lt:MkHalign:}%
   \ifHCond \global\let\bb:longtable\empty
  \if l#1%
    \LTleft\z@ \LTright\fill
  \else\if r#1%
    \LTleft\fill \LTright\z@
  \else\if c#1%
    \LTleft\fill \LTright\fill
  \let\hline\LT@hline \let\kill\LT@kill\let\caption\LT@caption
    \let\@classz\@tabclassz \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv
   {\tabskip\z@ \@arstrut \@preamble \tabskip\LTright}%
\loop\ifnum \ar:cnt>\tmp:cnt
   \advance\tmp:cnt by 1
   \expandafter\ifx \csname @testpach \the\tmp:cnt\endcsname\relax
          \def \expandafter\noexpand
             \csname @testpach \the\tmp:cnt\endcsname{\csname @testpach
      \expandafter\let\csname @testpach \the\tmp:cnt\endcsname\relax
  \ifx \EndPicture\:UnDef
     \SaveMkHalignConfig \ifx \recall:ar\:UnDef
      \noexpand\ifx \noexpand\EndPicture\noexpand\:UnDef \noexpand\else
      \noexpand\fi }%
\arrayrulewidth\z@  \doublerulesep\z@
\arraycolsep\z@     \tabcolsep\z@
  {\bb:longtable \ProperTrTrue}
  {\a:putHBorder\InitHBorder \ifProperTr{\c:longtable}}
  \else \let\@sharp##\fi
  \ifx \EndPicture\:UnDef \EndMkHalign\else \egroup\fi
  \global\setbox\@ne\lastbox    \unskip
\csname newbox\endcsname\LT:box
\csname newbox\endcsname\LT:ebox
\def\:tempc{\global\let\lt:sv\HRow  \LT:argtabularcr}
\ifx \tmp:bx\:UnDef \csname newbox\endcsname \tmp:bx \fi
% \def\:tempc{\LT@end@hd@ft\tmp:bx}
% \HLet\endfoot\:tempc
\def\:tempc{\global\HCondtrue \LT@end@hd@ft\LT@lastfoot}


  \o:noalign:\bgroup \gHAdvance\TitleCount  1
\Configure{longtabcaption}{\ifvmode\IgnorePar\fi\HCode{<caption id=""><strong>}}{\HCode{:</strong> }}{\HCode{</caption>}}

%  \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox{\parbox[t]\LTcapwidth{%
%       \cptA: #1{\cap:ref{#2}}\cptB:\cptC:#3\cptD:
%    \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}}}}





HTML 代码:

 <!--l. 8--><div class="longtable"> <table id="TBL-1" class="longtable" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  
><colgroup id="TBL-1-1g"><col 
id="TBL-1-1" /></colgroup><colgroup id="TBL-1-2g"><col 
id="TBL-1-2" /></colgroup>
   <caption id=""><strong>Table 1:</strong> my caption</caption>
