我使用 APA 格式进行引用。
这是我的.bib 文件:
author = {Li, Xu and Wang, Wenqi and Chen, Junjie},
doi = {10.1007/s11427-017-9175-2},
issn = {1869-1889},
journal = {Science China Life Sciences},
mendeley-groups = {thesis},
number = {10},
pages = {1093--1113},
title = {{Recent progress in mass spectrometry proteomics for biomedical research}},
volume = {60},
year = {2017}
title = "Data Mining for Bioinformatics Applications. 5 - Protein inference in shotgun proteomics",
editor = "Zengyou He",
publisher = "Woodhead Publishing",
pages = "39 - 49",
year = "2015",
isbn = "978-0-08-100100-4",
doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100100-4.00005-3",
author = "Zengyou He"
text1 \shortcite{Li2017}. text2 \shortcite{HE201539}