我根据这篇文章制作了一张带有脚注的表格。表格* 环境中的 \footnote 总体而言,我对表格的外观很满意,只是脚注标记 * 位于单元格的右侧,但同一单元格上的数字是左对齐的。有没有办法“连接”它们(左对齐)
我的 MWE 如下:
\usepackage{mathtools,amssymb} % 'mathtools' loads 'amsmath'
output-decimal-marker={.}, % decimal marker (german: , and english: .)
range-phrase={~to~}, % for units 4 to 10 K
range-units=single, % it is 4 -- 10 K and not 4K - 10K
retain-explicit-plus, % \SI{1E+4}{} = 1E+04 in the text
output-exponent-marker=\text{E}, % marker for \SI{1e-4}{} = 1E-04 in the text
\usepackage[font={small,it}, labelfont=bf, textformat=period]{caption}
\sisetup{round-mode=places, round-precision=3, retain-zero-exponent} % new
\begin{tabular*}{ \textwidth}{m{0.8cm}|m{1.4cm}|n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}n{5}{2}}
\textbf{VR $\mathbf{[m^{3}]}$} & \textbf{Reactor} & \textbf{2010} & \textbf{2011} & \textbf{2012} & \textbf{2013} & \textbf{2014} & \textbf{2015} & \textbf{2016} & \textbf{2017} & \textbf{2018} \\ \hline
22 & C210 & 14800\tnote{*} & & & 13953 & & & 13230 & & \\ \hline
22 & C211 & 14000 & & & 14375 & & & 15656 & & \\ \hline
20.9 & C250 & & 15446 & & & & 11385 & & & X \\ \hline
20.9 & C251 & & 16185 & & & & 11385 & & & X \\ \hline
14.1 & C221 & X & & & X & & & 10346 & & \\ \hline
22 & C222 & X & & & \text{X(reg)} & & & 16386 & & \\ \hline
9.8 & C220 & & X & & X & & & 7163 & & \\
\item[*] 13 \% of this weight is 5x5 mm pallets of the same catalyst.
\caption{Amount in kg charged to every reactor from year 2010 to 2018}