

假设SABCD是金字塔,A(0,0,0)B(-2,5,0)C(4,4,0)D(6,2,0),是两条直线和的交点。一个平面通过并平行于直线,分别在,,,处与直线 ,,相交。我们可以证明, 平行于S(a,b,h),平行 于。在我的代码中,我看到 , 不平行于。通过计算,我得到了点(图中为)的坐标为OACBDOABSCABBCSBSAEFGHEFGHABOHSCOHSCHH'

({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))})

然后,OH'与 平行SC




%% smuggling from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/470979/121799
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.style args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
            \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
            \typeout{Plane\space and\space line\space are\space parallel!\ltest}
        insert path={%

    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line join = round, line cap = round]

    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (D) at (6,2,0)
    coordinate (C) at (4,4,0) 
    coordinate (B) at (-2,5,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (\a,\b,\h)
    coordinate (H') at ({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))})

\draw [dashed,  name path=B--D] (B) -- (D);
\draw [dashed,  name path=A--C] (A) -- (C);
\path [name intersections={of=B--D and A--C,by=O}];

\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (6,2,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}]  coordinate (E);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={ (-2,5,0) and (4,4,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}]  coordinate (F);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}]  coordinate (H);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(-2,5,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5 \h, -2 \h, -28 + 5 \a + 2 \b)}]  coordinate (G);

    \draw[very thick]
  (S)--(A) -- (D) --(C) -- (B) --cycle 
  (S)-- (B) (S)--(C) (S)--(D) (H)--(E) (F)--(G);
  (S) -- (O)   (A) --(B) (H)--(G) (E)-- (F) (O) --(H);

 \draw[dashed,red] (O) -- (H'); 

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,D/below,C/below,S/above,B/right,O/below,E/left,F/right,G/right,H/left,H'/above}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};



我按照 marmot 的评论做了,得到了


%% smuggling from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/470979/121799
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.style args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
            \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
            \typeout{Plane\space and\space line\space are\space parallel!\ltest}
        insert path={%

    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line join = round, line cap = round]

    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (D) at (6,2,0)
    coordinate (C) at (4,4,0) 
    coordinate (B) at (-2,5,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (\a,\b,\h)
    coordinate (H') at ({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))})

\draw [dashed,  name path=B--D] (B) -- (D);
\draw [dashed,  name path=A--C] (A) -- (C);
\path [name intersections={of=B--D and A--C,by=O}];

\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (6,2,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (E);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={ (-2,5,0) and (4,4,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (F);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (H);

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(-2,5,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (G);

    \draw[very thick]
  (S)--(A) -- (D) --(C) -- (B) --cycle 
  (S)-- (B) (S)--(C) (S)--(D) (H)--(E) (F)--(G);
  (S) -- (O)   (A) --(B) (H)--(G) (E)-- (F) (O) --(H);

 \draw[dashed,red] (O) -- (H'); 

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,D/below,C/below,S/above,B/right,O/below,E/left,F/right,G/right,H/left,H'/above}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};





    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line join = round, line cap = round]

    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (D) at (6,2,0)
    coordinate (C) at (4,4,0) 
    coordinate (B) at (-2,5,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (\a,\b,\h)
    coordinate (O) at (34/11, 34/11, 0)
coordinate (E) at (42/11, 14/11, 0)
coordinate (F) at (29/11, 93/22, 0) 
coordinate (H) at ({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))})
coordinate (G) at ({-2-238*\h*(2+\a)/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {5-238*\h*(-5+\b)/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))},{ -238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))});   

    \draw[very thick]
  (S)--(A) -- (D) --(C) -- (B) --cycle 
  (S)-- (B) (S)--(C) (S)--(D) (H)--(E) (F)--(G);
  (S) -- (O)   (A) --(B) (H)--(G) (E)-- (F) (O) --(H);

 \draw[dashed,red] (O) -- (H); 

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,D/below,C/below,S/above,B/right,O/below,E/left,F/right,G/right,H/left}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述






%% smuggling from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/470979/121799
    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname#1%
    \aftergroup\let\aftergroup#1\expandafter\aftergroup\csname smuggle@\arabic{smuggle}\endcsname

\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.style args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
            \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
            \typeout{Plane\space and\space line\space are\space parallel!\ltest}
        insert path={%

    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line join = round, line cap = round]

    % definitions
    coordinate(A) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (D) at (6,2,0)
    coordinate (C) at (4,4,0) 
    coordinate (B) at (-2,5,0)                            
    coordinate (S) at (\a,\b,\h)
    coordinate (H') at ({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))})

\draw [dashed,  name path=B--D] (B) -- (D);
\draw [dashed,  name path=A--C] (A) -- (C);
\path [name intersections={of=B--D and A--C,by=O}];

    \def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x({4 - 1*\a},{ 4 - 1*\b},{ -(\h)})}
    %\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    \edef\temp{\noexpand\parsecoord(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)>(\noexpand\myNPx,\noexpand\myNPy,\noexpand\myNPz)}
    \typeout{before\space computing:\space\mynormal\space vs.\space(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \typeout{after\space computing:\space(\myNx,\myNy,\myNz)\space vs.\space(\myNPx,\myNPy,\myNPz)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (6,2,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (E);

    %\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    %\typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={ (-2,5,0) and (4,4,0) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (F);

    %\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    %\typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (H);

    %\def\mynormal{\VPTD(-2,5,0)x(4 - \a, 4 - \b, -\h)}
    %\typeout{\mynormal:(-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}
    \path[intersection of line trough={(-2,5,0) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}]  coordinate (G);

    \draw[very thick]
  (S)--(A) -- (D) --(C) -- (B) --cycle 
  (S)-- (B) (S)--(C) (S)--(D) (H)--(E) (F)--(G);
  (S) -- (O)   (A) --(B) (H)--(G) (E)-- (F) (O) --(H);

 \draw[dashed,red] (O) -- (H'); 

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,D/below,C/below,S/above,B/right,O/below,E/left,F/right,G/right,H/left,H'/above}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};




这是一个替代方案,它需要3dtools来自这里. 这将使用与 相同的样式来计算坐标这个答案,但不需要用户在前言中粘贴所有宏,因为现在解析由库通过解析器完成。请注意,输入坐标可以是显式的,也可以是符号的,但正如手册符号需要与语法一起放入

\path (6,2,0) coordinate (D);



我们祈祷在 pgf 的未来版本中两者都能正常工作。

\documentclass[tikz,border=1 mm,12pt]{standalone} 
\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.code args={#1 and #2 with plane
        containing #3 and normal #4}{%
             \ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt            
              \message{Plane and line are parallel!^^J}
        \pgfkeysalso{insert path={%


    \begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1,line join = round, line cap = round]

    % definitions
  (0,0,0) coordinate (A) 
 (6,2,0) coordinate(D) 
 (-2,5,0) coordinate(B) 
 (\a,\b,\h) coordinate(S) 
 (34/11, 34/11, 0) coordinate(O) 
 (42/11, 14/11, 0) coordinate(E) 
 (29/11, 93/22, 0)coordinate(F) 
 ({-238*\h*\a/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h*\b/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {-238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*\a-2*\h*\b+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}) coordinate(H) 
 ({-2-238*\h*(2+\a)/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}, {5-238*\h*(-5+\b)/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))},{ -238*\h^2/(11*(-5*\h*(2+\a)-2*\h*(-5+\b)+(-28+2*\b+5*\a)*\h))}) coordinate(G);
    \path[intersection of line trough={(0,0,0) and (6,2,0) with plane containing
    (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a + 2*\b)}] 
    coordinate (E');
    \path[intersection of line trough={ (B) and (C) with plane
    containing (34/11, 34/11, 0) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a +
    2*\b)}]  coordinate (F');
    \path[intersection of line trough={(A) and (\a,\b,\h) with plane
    containing (O) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a +
    2*\b)}]  coordinate (H');
    \path[intersection of line trough={(B) and (S) with plane
    containing (O) and normal (-5*\h, -2*\h, -28 + 5*\a +
    2*\b)}]  coordinate (G');

    \draw[very thick]
  (S)--(A) -- (D) --(C) -- (B) --cycle 
  (S)-- (B) (S)--(C) (S)--(D) (H)--(E) (F)--(G);
  (S) -- (O)   (A) --(B) (H)--(G) (E)-- (F) (O) --(H);
 \path[red] foreach \X in {E,F,G,H}
  {(\X) node[above] {$\X$} (\X') node[below] {$\X'$}};
 \draw[dashed,red] (O) -- (H); 

    \foreach \point/\position in {A/left,D/below,C/below,S/above,B/right,O/below,E/left,F/right,G/right,H/left}
        \fill (\point) circle (1.5pt);
        \node[\position=1.5pt] at (\point) {$\point$};




编辑code/.style args:按照 Henri Menke 在评论中的建议,更改为。
