我想用 Metapost 重现下面的图片。我觉得这段代码太长了,而且结果也不完全符合预期。
input hatching ;
hatchoptions (withcolor red);
path p, q, r, b ;
pair t[] ;
p := fullcircle scaled 6cm ;
q := fullcircle scaled 4cm shifted (2.5cm,2cm) ;
r := fullcircle scaled 4cm shifted (-2.5cm,2cm);
b := fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0,-3cm);
z1 = p intersectionpoint r ;
dotlabel.urt("1",z1) withcolor blue ;
t0 := p intersectiontimes r ;
p := subpath(xpart t0, infinity) of p ;
r := subpath(ypart t0, infinity) of r ;
z2 = p intersectionpoint r ;
dotlabel.urt("2",z2) withcolor red ;
z3 = p intersectionpoint q ;
dotlabel.urt("3",z3) withcolor magenta ;
t1 := p intersectiontimes q ;
p := subpath(xpart t1, infinity) of p ;
q := subpath(ypart t1, infinity) of q ;
z4 = p intersectionpoint q ;
dotlabel.ulft("4",z4) withcolor cyan ;
z5 = p intersectionpoint b ;
dotlabel.ulft("5",z5) withcolor magenta ;
t2 := p intersectiontimes b ;
p := subpath(xpart t2, infinity) of p ;
b := subpath(ypart t2, infinity) of b ;
z6 = p intersectionpoint b ;
dotlabel.urt("6",z6) withcolor red ;
hatchfill buildcycle(z1 .. point 2 of r .. point 4 of r .. z2, z2 .. point 6 of p .. z1)
withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp) ;
hatchfill buildcycle(z3 .. point 2 of q .. point 4 of q .. z4,z4 .. point 4 of p .. z3)
withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp) ;
hatchfill buildcycle(z1 .. point 8 of r .. point 7 of r .. point 6 of r ..
z2 .. point 7 of p .. point 8 of p .. z5 .. point 8 of b .. point 7 of b ..
z6 .. point 10 of p .. point 11 of p.. z3 .. point 8 of q .. point 7 of q ..
point 6 of q .. z4 .. point 5 of p .. z1)
withcolor (-180, 2mm, -1bp) ;
hatchfill buildcycle(z6 .. point 3 of b .. z5,z5 .. point 9 of p .. z6)
withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp) ;
draw p ;
draw q ;
draw r ;
draw b ;
我的系统不喜欢将洋红色和青色作为命名颜色,因此我改用 rgb。
input hatching ;
hatchoptions (withcolor red);
path p, q, r, b ;
pair t[] ;
path pp[];
picture pics[];
p := fullcircle scaled 6cm ;
q := fullcircle scaled 4cm shifted (2.5cm,2cm) ;
r := fullcircle scaled 4cm shifted (-2.5cm,2cm);
b := fullcircle scaled 2cm shifted (0,-3cm);
z1 = p intersectionpoint r ;
%dotlabel.urt("1",z1) withcolor blue ;
t0 := p intersectiontimes r ;
pp0 := subpath(xpart t0, infinity) of p ;
pp1 := subpath(ypart t0, infinity) of r ;
z2 = pp0 intersectionpoint r ;
%dotlabel.urt("2",z2) withcolor red ;
z3 = p intersectionpoint q ;
%dotlabel.urt("3",z3) withcolor green ;
t1 := p intersectiontimes q ;
pp2 := subpath(xpart t1, infinity) of p ;
pp3 := subpath(ypart t1, infinity) of q ;
z4 = pp2 intersectionpoint q ;
%dotlabel.ulft("4",z4) withcolor green ;
z5 = p intersectionpoint b ;
%dotlabel.ulft("5",z5) withcolor green ;
t2 := p intersectiontimes b ;
pp4 := subpath(xpart t2+0.001, infinity) of p ;
pp5 := subpath(ypart t2, infinity) of b ;
z6 = pp4 intersectionpoint b ;
%dotlabel.urt("6",z6) withcolor red ;
hatchfill p withcolor (-180, 2mm, -1bp) ;
unfill b;
unfill q;
unfill r;
clip currentpicture to p;
pics1 := currentpicture;
currentpicture := nullpicture;
hatchfill r withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp) ;
unfill p;
clip currentpicture to r;
pics2 := currentpicture;
currentpicture := nullpicture;
hatchfill q withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp) ;
unfill p;
clip currentpicture to q;
pics3 := currentpicture;
currentpicture := nullpicture;
hatchfill b withcolor (-90, 2mm, -1bp);
unfill p;
clip currentpicture to b;
pics4 := currentpicture;
currentpicture := nullpicture;
draw pics1;
draw pics2;
draw pics3;
draw pics4;
draw p ;
draw q ;
draw r ;
draw b ;
dotlabel.urt("1",z1) withcolor blue ;
dotlabel.urt("2",z2) withcolor red ;
dotlabel.urt("3",z3) withcolor green ;
dotlabel.ulft("4",z4) withcolor green ;
dotlabel.ulft("5",z5) withcolor green ;
dotlabel.urt("6",z6) withcolor red ;
prologues := 3;
outputtemplate := "%j%c.eps";
input hatching
hatchoptions (withcolor red);
path face, left_ear, right_ear, mouth;
face = fullcircle scaled 168;
right_ear = fullcircle scaled 112 shifted 96 right rotated 40;
left_ear = fullcircle scaled 112 shifted 96 right rotated 140;
mouth = fullcircle scaled 56 shifted 85 down;
hatchfill face withcolor ( 0, 6, -1);
hatchfill left_ear withcolor (90, 6, -1);
hatchfill right_ear withcolor (90, 6, -1);
hatchfill mouth withcolor (90, 6, -1);
unfill buildcycle(face, mouth);
unfill buildcycle(face, left_ear);
unfill buildcycle(face, right_ear);
draw face;
draw left_ear;
draw right_ear;
draw mouth ;
。我发现写类似96 right
而不是 更容易(3.4cm, 0)
(x, y)
。如果您希望它与两个圆圈一起工作,则重要的是两个圆圈都不在另一个圆圈内开始。然后我使用 hatchfill 完全填充每个形状,然后
使用起来比 OP 更简单。